I previously shared our activity on Thumbprinted Heart Pendants and Flower Pendants, this time, I want to share with you how we made a ring using the same procedure! Out of all the jewelry we made using plaster of paris, this has got to be my favorite!…well at least for now! :)
- 1 cup Plaster of Paris
- 1/2 cup water
- Plastic spoon
- Old adjustable ring
- Paint
- Glue Gun
- Circle shaped cookie cutter (or any round object)
Step 1: Mix the plaster of paris and the water together
Step 2: Mold the mixture into a round shape using the cookie cutter
I didn’t have any so I used this plastic egg instead
Step 3: Press both thumbs to form a heart
Step 4: Wait for it to dry then using a glue gun to stick the adjustable ring to the mold
Step 5: Paint
Step 6: Wait for everything to dry and it’s ready to wear!
**Here are some other activities you could try for Mother’s Day!