I’m sure most of you have played the test test game with your students or kids, if not, I’m sure you’ve at least done it yourself. We let our kids try out different food that taste sweet, sour, salty and bitter. I especially love their reactions when they eat something sour! Thing is, not every child would want to taste something they are either not familiar with, or already know the taste of. So if I lay out some candy, lemon, coffee and potato chips; they are most likely to try only the candy and potato chips.
I wanted to try something different. My co-teacher and I then agreed to let them taste flavored popcorn instead.This way, they all look alike, but taste differently.
What you will need
- White popcorn (natural flavor)
- Caramel popcorn
- Salt
- Lemon
Adding the Flavor
Sweet: The caramel popcorn is okay as is.
Salty: Add some salt to the white popcorn
Sour: Squeeze some lemon on the white popcorn
We opted not to let them try the bitter taste anymore since my students were just toddlers. They can try that out with their future teachers in the years to come.
It was fun seeing their reactions to the different flavors of popcorn. The popcorn can be deceiving!