Posts Tagged ‘zambales’
Filed under: Featured, Fit and Healthy, Fun in Manila, Lifestyle and Events, Travel and Events
Glamping by Lifestyle 2016: Why You Shouldn’t Miss the Next One
by Cheryl Villareal on Apr 26th, 2016
I love nature. I love walking on the beach, watching the birds, interacting with the animals, watching the sunset, etc. I love it. However, I never exactly saw myself camping. Camping is a whole different story, especially ‘coz I also love having a clean restroom to take a shower and just do my business. Hence, the closest I ever got to “exploring” nature was during one of my trail runs, or an ordinary trip to the beach (with accommodations...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Featured, Health and Fitness, workout and exercise
‘Glamping by Lifestyle’ Returns to Level Up The 2016 Summer Siren Festival
by Cheryl Villareal on Apr 5th, 2016
‘Glamping by Lifestyle’ is making a comeback to the Summer Siren Festival at Crystal Beach in Zambales from April 8 to 10. Lifestyle, the premiere cable channel for women, has once more teamed up with leading adventure company Travel Factor to promise another fabulous beach glamping experience to party-going adventure-seekers. After pioneering what has become a travel phenomenon to adventure enthusiasts, Lifestyle brings a combination of ...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Contests and Announcements, Fit and Healthy, Lifestyle and Events
The Circle Hostel GIVEAWAY!
by Cheryl Villareal on Sep 28th, 2012
Anyone here a fan of surfing? Well, I personally have not tried it, though I did watch and take photos as my friends rode the waves! If only my fear of the deep waters hadn’t gotten in the way, I SO would have tried surfing! Well, as part of my anniversary giveaway, and just because our friends over at the Circle Hostel are so awesome, we’re giving away 1- overnight hammock vouchers at the Circle Hostel. I slept like a baby on that hammock I ...Read More » Tags
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