Posts Tagged ‘world milk day run’
Filed under: Family Run, Featured, Fun Runs and Marathons, Health and Fitness, Run for a Cause
Alaska World Milk Day Fun Run
by Cheryl Villareal on May 24th, 2015
We all know how REAL milk has a lot of benefits for our body, and every Alaska holds a run in hopes of increasing this awareness. World Milk Day is celebrated annually in many countries worldwide, providing an opportunity to focus attention on milk as a global food central to health and well- being across cultures and nations, and to highlight the contributions connected with milk and the overall dairy industry. This year, they will launch the...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Family Run, Fun Runs and Marathons, Health and Fitness, Run for a Cause
Alaska World Milk Day Run on June 9, 2013
by Cheryl Villareal on May 13th, 2013
Got milk? Ever since we were young, our parents have already taught us the importance of milk, but as we grow up, we tend to neglect this need. The worse part about this that even kids are beginning to dislike milk, and we all know how growing kids need milk. Nutrition disorders such as malnutrition and obesity are particularly rampant with children. They interfere with the child’s grown and development which could lead to serious heal...Read More » Tags
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