Posts Tagged ‘shapes’
Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Family, Featured, First Day of School, Personalize, Reading and Language, Recycled art, Teaching Ideas, Transportation
Personalized School Bus with the Old Shoe Box
by Cheryl Villareal on Feb 12th, 2012
This activity was supposedly a really simple art and craft activity for our theme on transportation. However, as we were planning it, more ideas kept popping out and we eventually came up with this. The idea came from the teachers, but it wouldn’t have turned out this great if the kids weren’t as creative! Good job kids! What you will need Shoe box Yellow cartolina/ paper Thin strip of black paper 4 circul...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Colors and Shapes, Featured, Hands can feel, Messy art, Patterns, Senses and Body Parts, Skill development, Teaching Ideas
Sponge Stamping with Shades of Blue
by Cheryl Villareal on Oct 2nd, 2011
Last year, we let the kids do some SPONGE PAINTING as a extension on our lesson about squares. The kids had so much fun playing with the sponges because of their unique texture but the teachers also had to be careful not to give the kids too much paint because they tended to let the sponge absorb too much and squeeze out ALL the paint. As fun as this may be, we weren't prepared for a messy activity that day. So instead of just lettin...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Colors and Shapes, Featured, Fine motor skills, Games and Activities, Magic Art, Skill development, Teaching Ideas
Magical Circles with Crayon Rubbings
by Cheryl Villareal on Aug 15th, 2011
Kids love magic, and the fun thing about teaching toddlers is that you DON'T need to know the difficult tricks 'coz it's easy to get things pass them. Now with art, there are also TONS of magic tricks you can do with the kids. A lot of which they can do by themselves! - One favorite is the CRAYON RESIST activity. We did this a year ago and the kids were totally amazed! We drew a boy/girl using a white crayon without the kids knowledge an...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Colors and Shapes, Family, Fathers' Day, Featured, Holiday crafts, Teaching Ideas
Daddy and Me Shape Collage
by Cheryl Villareal on Feb 18th, 2011
It's always fun to play with shapes! You can always come up with a random things just by putting them all together. For our theme on family, we decided to play with some shapes and make a picture with daddy! - This activity not only puts the children's imagination to a test, but it also gives us teachers the opportunity to start a small conversation with our students about their relationships with either their mom or dad. For older kids, yo...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Colors and Shapes, Featured, Teaching Ideas
Triangles on a Triangle Hat
by Cheryl Villareal on Nov 13th, 2010
It's always fun to work with collages when we're studying a certain concept. A collage of shapes, collage of numbers and other things that we can think of. However, it can also get boring if we just keep doing the collage over and over again without adding any twists. So for our lesson on triangles, we decided to make a triangle hat! I honestly thought at first that it wasn't going to be a cute activity. I thought it was too simple. But that d...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Colors and Shapes, Featured, Teaching Ideas
Square Collage
by Cheryl Villareal on Sep 5th, 2010
While my co-teachers and I were discussing this activity, I thought to myself... "I wonder how a collage filled with just one shape turn out?" At first, I was even imagining a really boring art work filled with simple squares. But then, as we continued to brainstorm, we decided to use a variety of colors, patterns, sizes and textures. Slowly but surely, the simple square collage became a very lively and creative sensory art! . . What you...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Colors and Shapes, Shared Blogs, Teaching Ideas
A Response to Circle Stamping
by Cheryl Villareal on Aug 11th, 2010
Teacher Regine Aniban from Little Presidents' Learning Palace used the circle stamping activity for her pre-toddler class! According to her, the kids really had so much fun stamping the circle! It was a very simple yet also creative and enjoyable activity. She shared some photos with me through facebook and allowed me to share it with you, my dear readers. Enjoy! Thank you Teacher Regine! :) . Materials used.... . Kids at work...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Colors and Shapes, Featured, Teaching Ideas
Circle Stamping
by Cheryl Villareal on Aug 9th, 2010
Here's a really fun... and maybe a little messy art activity for all ages! The older kids can do this, and the younger kids will definitely love this! It's so easy to do! What you need: A variety of objects with circle shapes(bottle caps, old chess pieces, toys, marker caps, tissue tubes etc.) At least 3 or more colors of paint (the more the merrier!) Bond paper Apron or smocks Step 1: Start off by collecting all those round obj...Read More » Tags
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