Posts Tagged ‘sand art’
Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Featured, Sand and Sea, Seasons, Summer, Teaching Ideas
Sand Bottles with Rock Salt
by Cheryl Villareal on Jun 7th, 2011
I'm sure most of you have already seen sand bottles whenever you go to the beach or just randomly displayed in houses or restaurants. I've been very fond of these since I was young and have always been curious how they were made. As I grew older, I also slowly realized how it wasn't so difficult to make after all. - Now that I knew how to make it, it was time to let the kiddos try it out! The thing is, I didn't have enough sand! The sand I ...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Animals and Insects, Featured, Messy art, Sand and Sea, Seasons, Summer, Teaching Ideas
Starfish Art with Rock Salt
by Cheryl Villareal on May 27th, 2011
I remember being so amazed with starfishes when I was younger. I used to think they were just star-shaped rocks! I was so curious how they moved and how they become "alive". It was only when I visited a beach during my teen years that I finally saw starfishes move and even piling up one over the other! They were really fun to watch and are something you can't miss during the summer season. - So for our theme on sand and sea, we decided to have ...Read More » Tags
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