Posts Tagged ‘run for a cause’
Filed under: Charity Works, Fun Runs and Marathons, Health and Fitness, Run for a Cause
World Vision Run – “Towards Fullness of Life!”
by Cheryl Villareal on Jun 1st, 2012
Poverty in the Philippines is crazy! Even without looking at the statistics, you could see with your own two eyes just how bad it is! And what saddens me even more is when I see the mom or dad carrying a new born child while holding a 1 year old child in the other hand. I know this all comes back to the laws and whatever, but that’s not what I’m writing about. These kids were born with nothing, but it doesn’t mean they have to grow up havin...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Charity Works, Featured, Health and Fitness, Inspirational Stories, Run for a Cause
Lace Up for Anika: Run for a Hearty Cause on May 26
by Cheryl Villareal on May 21st, 2012
We all want to make a difference in people’s lives. So what do you think of making a difference in ONE person’s life? More like one little girl’s life. Will you run for Anika? Anika, now 5 years old, is a baby girl who has a single ventricle loosely translates to having a HALF HEART. A 'unity run' organized by Team Breathe Hope along with Breathe Hope Runners to help save a toddler's heart and give her a brighter life....Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Charity Works, Foundations and Organizations, Fun Runs and Marathons, Health and Fitness, Run for a Cause
Isa, Dalawa, Takbo! Run for Children’s Rights!
by Cheryl Villareal on May 16th, 2012
Got any fun runs yet planned for June 24, 2012? It's still in a month so maybe you can set aside this date for the kids. Won't you? Children may not know much yet, but they still have rights that adults need to learn to respect! Many times, these rights are taken away from them, and being the young and fragile beings that they are, they can't do anything about it. BUT WE CAN! Let's be their voice... and one way to do it is by joining...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Fun Runs and Marathons, Health and Fitness, Run for a Cause
Anson’s Fun in the Sun Run 2012
by Cheryl Villareal on May 7th, 2012
Summer is here and if you haven’t started working out, here’s the perfect opportunity for you to make that first step to a hotter and sexier you! This coming May 27, 2012, Anson’s will host its 3rd FUN RUN after Rhythm and Run and Mardi Gras Run. This run will be more fun and more challenging than before so you better be prepared! Moreover, they will once again be raffling off a bunch of apple products such as Ipod shuffles, Ip...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Free race kits, Fun Runs and Marathons, Health and Fitness, Run for a Cause
Fire Run: “Takbo Laban sa Sunog”
by Cheryl Villareal on Apr 25th, 2012
The summer heat is on and it is this time of year that fires are most common! Fires can result from the simplest yet most careless of things, like leaving the gas stove on, leaving appliances on, etc. but can quickly destroy everything in its path! Next month, in line with the celebration of its 100th year anniversary, EBT100 & TXTFIRE Philippines joins effort for this FUN RUN for a cause entitled "Takbo Laban sa Sunog". This S...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Featured, Foundations and Organizations, Fun Runs and Marathons, Health and Fitness, Run for a Cause
Hyundai RUN for a Cause 2: Hyundai Asia Resources, Inc. Continues to Celebrate Life and Wellness for All
by Cheryl Villareal on Apr 24th, 2012
Last year, in celebration of Hyundai’s 10th anniversary, the Hyundai team decided to put together a FUN RUN for a cause! What better way to celebrate success than by sharing what you have right? And of course, just like in any birthday celebration, it was Hyundai’s treat to all runners! The Hyundai RUN for a Cause kicked off last April 2, 2011 at the Quirino Grandstand and was the first-ever automotive-sponsored fun run in the Philippines! Th...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Charity Works, Foundations and Organizations, Fun Runs and Marathons, Health and Fitness, Run for a Cause
St. Scholastica’s Academy Marikina presents ScholaRun 2
by Cheryl Villareal on Apr 20th, 2012
Education is a very valuable thing! Those who have it, often take it for granted, and those who don’t, strive hard to get it. St. Scholastica’s Academy Marikina Alumnae Association understands this need and organized a fun run called “ScholaRun” in hopes of raising enough funds to send those deserving to school. SCHOlaRUN is a fun run activity organized by SSAMAA to raise funds for financially challenged but deserving scholar...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Fun Runs and Marathons, Health and Fitness, Run for a Cause
Takbo para sa mga Bayaning Guro
by Cheryl Villareal on Mar 15th, 2012
Being a teacher is a lot of fun! I get to hang out with my students, play with them, do art activities, etc. However, being a teacher can also be A LOT of work. We don’t just teach the kids for the sake of getting it done… we teach because we want our kids to learn. Teaching really is a WORK OF HEART. It’s something you can only do if it really is your passion. We don’t get paid by the numbers… we get paid by constant hugs from the kids...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Charity Works, Fun Runs and Marathons, Health and Fitness, Run for a Cause
Greentennial Proudly Presents the Green and White Run!
by Cheryl Villareal on Mar 3rd, 2012
Animo La Salle! Yep, I’m sorry guys, but I’m a La Sallian in mind, body and heart and I support this run ALL THE WAY! Moreover, I really enjoy all of Greentennial’s runs! The camaraderie during the run is one to look forward to! On its 30th or pearl anniversary, the DLSU elementary batch 1982 in partnership with The Greentennial Run brings us the Green and White Run! Proceeds from this event will go to the De La Salle Scholarship fund! H...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Charity Works, Foundations and Organizations, Fun Runs and Marathons, Health and Fitness, Run for a Cause
143 Go Run 2: Run for the Kids of the Philippine Heart Center
by Cheryl Villareal on Feb 11th, 2012
Valentines Day is coming up! Got that special someone you have in mind? Your heart probably skips a beat every time you think of that special someone. Well, for some kids and patients at the Philippine Heart Center, their hearts have just been broken. So maybe this year, we can think of them. Last year, the first 143 GO run was able to donate up to 100,000php to the social services division of the Philippine Heart Center. This year, th...Read More » Tags
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