Posts Tagged ‘relay’
Filed under: Featured, Fun Runs and Marathons, Health and Fitness, Relay, Running News and Highlights
Sierra 51050: Five Man Team. 10 Kilometers Cumulative. 50 Kilometers To Cover.
by Cheryl Villareal on Jan 26th, 2014
Ever pictured yourself running 50km? Well what if I told you that you could complete 50km with 4 other friends and just run 10k each?…and what if I told you it would take place in the challenging and beautiful hills of Tanay Rizal? PRESS RELEASE Running is an individual sport. It brings out the best and the worst in you, yet you still go back for more: another mile perhaps tomorrow. With the benefits of running, no wonder runner...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: costume run, Family Run, Free race kits, Fun Runs and Marathons, Health and Fitness, obstacle run, Running News and Highlights
Eat and Run: The 6km Food Relay
by Cheryl Villareal on Mar 19th, 2013
I’ve heard of carbo loading before a race, and I’ve heard of carbo loading after a race… but have any of you heard of carbo loading DURING the race? Well, not really carbo loading, more like eat and run! This Sunday, the Asian Food Channel will turn your world around as they give Eat and Run a whole new meaning! For the first time in Manila, runners will need to combine not just speed and agility… but also their eating skills! �...Read More » Tags
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