Posts Tagged ‘puppets’
Filed under: Animals and Insects, Featured, Pets and Animals, Teaching Ideas
Making Hand Puppets using Brown Paper Bags
by Cheryl Villareal on Mar 16th, 2011
When young children see puppets, they usually react in 2 ways. One is that they'd be really thrilled and excited, and the other is that they'd be scared out of their wits and start crying at the top of their lungs. I usually prefer them giving me the first reaction, but kids will be kids. - When the year started, I only had around 1 or 2 kids out of who were afraid of puppets. At first, I was unsure if I should tell them that there's someon...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Animals and Insects, Arts and Crafts, Featured, Teaching Ideas
Animal Noses Finger Puppets
by Cheryl Villareal on Nov 11th, 2010
This is an activity I found on another blog site once again. I unfortunately saw it a long time ago and no longer remember what site it was! Send a reply if you think this came from your site and I would gladly acknowledge you. Children usually enjoy pretend play. Younger children still find it difficult but they still enjoy the funny games and cute toys used. Since we were learning all about our noses, we decided to let them try making their ...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Featured, Personalize, Role Play, Teaching Ideas
Sock Puppets
by Cheryl Villareal on Oct 12th, 2010
Making puppets or at least seeing puppets is one experience every preschooler should go through! Besides the activity's connection to our current lesson on feet, it was also a good way to help those kids who feared puppets. Puppets can be anything you want them to be... animals, community helpers, family members or the students themselves! It's really easy to connect with whatever lesson you have. Since we are still learning a lot about our se...Read More » Tags
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