Posts Tagged ‘praise’
Filed under: Charity Works, Concerts and Plays, Featured, Foundations and Organizations, Lifestyle and Events
In the Name of the Father: Benefit Concert on June 5
by Cheryl Villareal on May 23rd, 2016
When we think about fitness, we often only think about our physical bodies. Today, I’m here to promote a different kind of fitness – SPIRITUAL and EXISTENTIAL fitness. Not long ago, I met a preacher by the name George Gabriel. When I first attended his talk, I was surprised at how young and good looking this preacher was. I came from a Catholic background so to me, preachers and priests were one of the same… of course I later on realized...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Faith and Religion, Lifestyle and Events, Light Thursdays
Light Thursdays Lost and Found (Part 3): Loving the Lost
by Cheryl Villareal on Aug 13th, 2012
There are times we feel that we are well on our way going toward the right direction that people who aren’t as lucky as we are seem to be annoying. I won’t deny that there were some questions or comments people have said to me in the past that somehow annoyed me just because I felt as though the answers were too simple for them not to know. Though none of us want to be lost, if you are lost…it only means someone is looking for ...Read More » Tags
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