Posts Tagged ‘picture frame’
Filed under: Family, Featured, Teaching Ideas
Draw a Family Portrait
by Cheryl Villareal on Feb 3rd, 2011
This January, we are learning all about our families. So after telling the kids a story about families, we decided to let them draw their own. - Children's drawings are more important than most think. To some, their drawings might just look like random scribbles, to others, they might just look like normal drawings of a 3 year old child, but what most fail to realize is how the tiniest bit of detail is already a window to the child's feelin...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Christmas, Edible crafts, Fathers' Day, Featured, Holiday crafts, Mothers' Day, Teaching Ideas
Popcorn Picture Frame
by Cheryl Villareal on Dec 1st, 2010
Who knew there was so much you could do with popcorn? Just a few days ago, I shared our taste activity using popcorn. Today, let me share with you another awesome activity that you may even give as gifts for the coming holidays! I used to make picture frames using uncooked pasta, but it was always difficult to get the pasta to stick with plain glue. I usually used a glue gun. So we thought of using an alternative. Since we had so much leftov...Read More » Tags
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