Posts Tagged ‘pcf’
Filed under: Charity Works, Featured, Foundations and Organizations, Inspirational Stories, Outreach Projects, Teaching Ideas, Teaching Tales, Videos
Inauguration of PCF Technical College – The first CONTAINER-VAN school in the world!
by Cheryl Villareal on Sep 13th, 2011
Around 2 weeks ago, I was invited to visit a school located in what used to be the famous SMOKEY MOUNTAINS of Tondo. The term does not refer to a beautiful landscape as that depicted in other countries, instead, the name was given because of the smoking mountains of garbage found in the area. This place has recently been rehabilitated and is hopefully on its way to becoming a more livable place for people. - I was hesitant at first, given i...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Charity Works, Inspirational Stories, Random thoughts, Videos
We say Garbage, They say HOME.
by Cheryl Villareal on Sep 6th, 2011
I've been staring down this blank page for a while, trying to come up with words to write about a previous event I attended that was held in a poverty stricken area here in the Philippines. I've typed several words only to end up deleting it because I couldn't fully express what I wanted to say. So I decided to write a new post first, and get these feelings out of my chest. - Last week, I attended the inauguration of a school in Tondo. Seei...Read More » Tags
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