Posts Tagged ‘painting’
Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Edible crafts, Featured, Messy art, Sand and Sea, Senses and Body Parts, Teaching Ideas
Sweet Paint with Powdered Juice
by Cheryl Villareal on Nov 8th, 2010
Children, regardless of the age, love painting! Their paintings vary from shapes, to everyday objects, or even just abstract art! As long as there's a paintbrush in hand, you can only expect a masterpiece to follow! However, as much as we want them to have all the fun possible, paint can be difficult to wash of at times and also not good to eat! Toddlers would put ANYTHING in their mouths and this is one of those things we never want them to tast...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Colors and Shapes, Fashion and Apparels, Featured, Lifestyle and Events, Messy art, Personalize, Teaching Ideas
Splatter Painted Shoes
by Cheryl Villareal on Oct 13th, 2010
We all need shoes... and from this need, our wants grow! Wanting to have new and cute shoes... wanting to give our kids new and cute shoes too! But, since the kids grow up so quickly, these shoes also quickly shrink! (Yes, the shoes shrink!..kiddin' of course) So what do we do with these shoes? Give them away or throw them in the garbage! Well, just before letting these go, why not have a fun and messy art activity with the kids first! . Wh...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Featured, Messy art, Skill development, Teaching Ideas
Box Kicking Art
by Cheryl Villareal on Oct 7th, 2010
Toddlers are still learning the different skills their body can perform. Jumping, walking, running are some of the activities that they are still learning to perfect. Throwing objects is part of these skills, and so is kicking things. To adults, kicking is just like walking with force! It's a very simple task for us, but for these kids, kicking means letting loose of what foot and making sure the other foot is able to keep balance! Here's anot...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Featured, Messy art, Skill development, Teaching Ideas
Squeeze Painting
by Cheryl Villareal on Oct 4th, 2010
We were on the topic of hands and wanted the kids to something unique. We started off by asking them: "What can your hands do?" They then suggested a variety of things from clapping to building! Some even suggested walking which then led to us trying to walk with our hands! A sure funny scene! We then suggested hugging and squeezing! We hugged the stuffed bears and hugged each other! As for the squeezing, we used those little squeaky toys and tri...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Colors and Shapes, Messy art, Senses and Body Parts, Skill development, Teaching Ideas
Sponge Painting
by Cheryl Villareal on Sep 3rd, 2010
Still on the topic of squares, we decided to let the children try some sponge painting! The kids especially enjoyed this activity because of the unique process. Squeezing the sponge hard enough allowed paint to gush out! It became a bit messy for some, but still a lot of fun! Though we didn't really teach it, the children were able to discover how sponges can absorb liquids, and that the liquids can be squeezed out! Accidental learning takes plac...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Edible crafts, Featured, Messy art, Teaching Ideas
Pasta Painting
by Cheryl Villareal on Aug 19th, 2010
I'm the type of teacher who really likes those messy art activities! I feel that children are able to express themselves better this way! I like that they are free to be as messy as they want to be for a while. That being said, this activity I'm about to share is one of my favorites! It wasn't as messy as I imagined it to be since the kids were in their school uniforms, but it was still a lot of fun! We were on the topic of long and short but ...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Colors and Shapes, Shared Blogs, Teaching Ideas
A Response to Circle Stamping
by Cheryl Villareal on Aug 11th, 2010
Teacher Regine Aniban from Little Presidents' Learning Palace used the circle stamping activity for her pre-toddler class! According to her, the kids really had so much fun stamping the circle! It was a very simple yet also creative and enjoyable activity. She shared some photos with me through facebook and allowed me to share it with you, my dear readers. Enjoy! Thank you Teacher Regine! :) . Materials used.... . Kids at work...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Colors and Shapes, Featured, Teaching Ideas
Circle Stamping
by Cheryl Villareal on Aug 9th, 2010
Here's a really fun... and maybe a little messy art activity for all ages! The older kids can do this, and the younger kids will definitely love this! It's so easy to do! What you need: A variety of objects with circle shapes(bottle caps, old chess pieces, toys, marker caps, tissue tubes etc.) At least 3 or more colors of paint (the more the merrier!) Bond paper Apron or smocks Step 1: Start off by collecting all those round obj...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Colors and Shapes, Teaching Ideas
Crayon resist magic
by Cheryl Villareal on Jul 17th, 2010
Young children are easily fascinated.. that's why magic always works with them regardless of how simple it may be! It becomes even more fun for them when they are able to perform that "magic" on their own. Even after they've done it, they still couldn't believe it! It often gives them a feeling of great joy and accomplishment that they were able to do such a mind-boggling task! Last week we prepared a crayon resist activity for the children. I...Read More » Tags
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