Posts Tagged ‘painting’
Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Featured, Flowers and Plants, Seasons, Spring, Teaching Ideas
Finger Paint Cherry Tree Pop Art
by Cheryl Villareal on Aug 3rd, 2011
Another school year just started for us and we wanted to introduce paint to the kids by starting with the finger paint. I have had experience with kids in the past that cried when we tried to make them paint with their hands! They just didn't like the idea of getting their hands dirty! So finger painting is actually a small step for the child to slowly understand that it's okay to get some paint on their hands. Besides finger painting, we were...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Featured, Seasons, Summer, Teaching Ideas
The Easy Way to Make a Beautiful Sunset Painting
by Cheryl Villareal on Jul 18th, 2011
I love sunsets. I don't exactly know how to describe it... but I do have one word for it. Magical. I feel that the way the sky lights up and the colors mix together as the setting sun goes to hiding is just too beautiful for words to describe. Which is why I also fall in love with pictures and paintings that are able to capture this beauty. - Now, I have always been a fan but I personally can't paint that well. It looks easy to do but is re...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Classroom Designs, Featured, Messy art, Teaching Ideas
Big Art with Water Pistols and Spray Bottles
by Cheryl Villareal on Jun 18th, 2011
I always love using things found around the house when doing art activities. The kids always look surprise when I hand it to them and tell them to play with it. It's as if they're thinking, "Mommy's gonna get mad!".... "Are you sure?" - For this activity, I decided to make use of sponges, water pistols, spray bottles, roller brushes and scrubs! Whatever I saw lying around... I used! And the kids had so much fun using them too! - What ...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Animals and Insects, Featured, Sand and Sea, Seasons, Summer, Teaching Ideas
Silly Foot and Hands Lobster
by Cheryl Villareal on Jun 1st, 2011
Summer reminds me of the beach and all the wonderful sea animals. Often, we do fish projects and crafts in school that we neglect all the other beautiful sea animals. So this time, why not try something new? Why not make a silly little lobster with those little hands and feet! I saw the idea from Moments of Mommyhood and I instantly knew I had to try it! - What you will need Red paint Paint brush White paper Eyes and mouth print o...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Animals and Insects, Featured, Sand and Sea, Seasons, Summer, Teaching Ideas
Watercolor Jellyfish Painting
by Cheryl Villareal on May 15th, 2011
Our theme for the week was sand and sea! I saw several wonderful ideas that I wanted to try, and this was one of it! When I first saw this through, I wondered if the little ones would be able to do it. It looked fairly easy, but then again... maybe not. Still, I decided to give it a go. Regardless of how it turns out, the important thing is that they tried and they had fun! What made this activity great is the unique way of ...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Featured, Messy art, Teaching Ideas
Painting with Floor Scrubs!
by Cheryl Villareal on Apr 27th, 2011
Let's do some spring cleaning shall we? But instead of using water and soap, why not paint instead? A couple months ago, I passed by a shop wherein all items were sold for just 20 php (around 50 cents). Now as a preschool teacher, I just couldn't resist the urge to take a peek and dig through these items in hopes of finding something I could use for school! One of the items I came across were floor scrubs. I often see these sold in the groceri...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Colors and Shapes, Cooking in Class, Easter, Edible crafts, Featured, Holiday crafts, Seasons, Spring, Teaching Ideas
Painting Eggs with Food Coloring for Easter
by Cheryl Villareal on Apr 17th, 2011
Easter is coming up in just a few days! I remember looking forward to this day because of the Easter Egg hunts! This week in class however, we let the kids try making their own egg salads (in line with our theme on food) and decorating their own eggs using food coloring! The activity turned out REALLY REALLY messy, but REALLY REALLY fun! Did I mention I ABSOLUTELY LOVE messy arts?? I feel these kinds of art activities are the ones that really giv...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Colors and Shapes, Featured, Teaching Ideas
Negative Painting – White paint on Black paper
by Cheryl Villareal on Apr 6th, 2011
It's always fun to do art, and it's even more fun when we do it in an unusual way! So since we're all used to painting colors on white paper, why not try painting on black paper instead? Moreover, why not try painting the outside instead of inside? Here's another fun way of painting that can be done in a few simple steps! Younger kids can do it the simple way with a little guidance while older kids can do the cutting part on their own! - ...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Featured, Fruits and Vegetables, Messy art, Teaching Ideas
Fruit and Vegetable Stamping
by Cheryl Villareal on Jan 18th, 2011
I don't think it's right to play with food and put it to waste. But if playing with it means the kids get to go through a unique learning experience, then I don't think it was wasted at all. After having our fun making fruit kebab and vegetable salads, it was time to use the leftover fruits and vegetables for some art! This stamping activity is so easy to do that you can just leave the kids to do it as they please! Be sure to select fruits ...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Christmas, Colors and Shapes, Featured, Holiday crafts, Teaching Ideas
Mixing Colors in Ziploc Bags
by Cheryl Villareal on Dec 8th, 2010
I'm sure we've all tried mixing colors when we were young... and maybe up to the present time. It's a process every child needs to learn. When I was younger, I remember being given a worksheet with 3 circles on it. On the first two circles, I would paint the primary colors. On the last circle, I'd paint the resulting color if the first two colors were mixed together. I DID learn the concept, but it wasn't any fun. As preschool teachers, it is ...Read More » Tags
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