Posts Tagged ‘octopus’
Filed under: Animals and Insects, Colors and Shapes, Edible crafts, Featured, Teaching Ideas
Fruit Loops and Octopuses
by Cheryl Villareal on Jul 30th, 2012
Other countries have CHEERIOS, we on the other hand have FRUIT LOOPS. I love how many things you can do with these stuff! So for our animal theme…while also learning the circle shape, we decided to create some octopuses using FRUIT LOOPS! What you will need: Construction Paper (we used color purple but you can use any) Scissors Fruit Loops Glue Googly Eyes What you will do: ...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Animals and Insects, Featured, Messy art, Sand and Sea, Teaching Ideas
Giant Squids and Jellyfishes
by Cheryl Villareal on Jun 23rd, 2011
When working with little kids, you always want to go BIG! Not only is it easier for them because their fine motor skills aren't developed yet, but they are also very much amazed by it! At times, they couldn't even believe they're the one who made it! I always love that kind of reaction from the kids! - We intentionally wanted to make squids, but it's hard to limit the kids and tell them to just place 8 tentacles, so we just let them be and ...Read More » Tags
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