Posts Tagged ‘nursery’
Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Featured, Fruits and Vegetables, Skill development, Teaching Ideas
Paper Tearing Orange
by Cheryl Villareal on Jan 21st, 2011
Though not most people know it, paper tearing is actually an important skill toddlers need to learn. It is through this that they eventually learn to cut, write and draw. For our lesson on the color orange, we decided to let the kids try some paper tearing as well. We did not realize it immediately, but it turned out that several of our kids still did not know how to tear paper. Most of them still needed us to help them hold the paper as they ...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Featured, Fruits and Vegetables, Messy art, Teaching Ideas
Fruit and Vegetable Stamping
by Cheryl Villareal on Jan 18th, 2011
I don't think it's right to play with food and put it to waste. But if playing with it means the kids get to go through a unique learning experience, then I don't think it was wasted at all. After having our fun making fruit kebab and vegetable salads, it was time to use the leftover fruits and vegetables for some art! This stamping activity is so easy to do that you can just leave the kids to do it as they please! Be sure to select fruits ...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Cooking in Class, Featured, Teaching Ideas
Vegetable Salad for the Kids
by Cheryl Villareal on Jan 15th, 2011
Ever tried letting kids eat their vegetables? Talk about a challenge! I used to trick my kids into eating their veggies by cutting it really small and covering it with lots of rice before feeding them! Just a small peak of the color green on their spoon would be chaotic! ...still, it doesn't hurt to try, and we did just that! We tried to let our kids eat their healthy vegetables by having a vegetable salad making activity in class! They had a ...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Colors and Shapes, Featured, Teaching Ideas
Face of Shapes
by Cheryl Villareal on Jan 12th, 2011
Playing around with shapes can be a lot of fun! Children are able to exercise their imagination skills and come up with a variety of pictures using nothing but basic shapes! Shapes can be useful and fun, but teachers have to be careful as to how complex the activity will be depending on the age of the kids. When my tutee was just 6 years old, she came home complaining that she had no idea what her math homework was about. Apparently, her teach...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Cooking in Class, Featured, Stories, Teaching Ideas
Warm Up with Some Stone Soup
by Cheryl Villareal on Jan 9th, 2011
Ever heard of the story Stone Soup? I hear there are different versions of it, but I've only heard a few. My favorite version would be that by Ann McGovern because it simple depicts a young man outwitting the older woman. It does not really show that anyone was being boastful or mean. Warm up this winter season with a bowl of stone stoup! Several kids enjoy this story. Some would really think that it was magic that turned the stone into soup,...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Cooking in Class, Featured, Teaching Ideas
Ice Scramble for the Kids
by Cheryl Villareal on Jan 6th, 2011
Ice scramble is a famous ice-based treat here in the Philippines. It is usually topped with various flavorings like milk, marshmallows and chocolate syrup. It started around 10 years ago and was only being sold by vendors along the street, today however, it can be found not only in almost every street corner but in almost every mall! Most Filipinos, including myself, really enjoy this yummy treat. Even our toddlers were already familiar with i...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Cooking in Class, Featured, Fruits and Vegetables, Teaching Ideas
Yummy Fruit Kebab!
by Cheryl Villareal on Jan 5th, 2011
Most children love eating fruits, but adding a little twist to the fruits makes the experience even better for them! For our theme on food, we decided to make some fruit kebabs with the kids. The term "kebab" is a Persian or Indian term that means on a stick or skewer. This is usually meant for their famous chicken kebabs and the like. In our case, we decided to use fruits! - What you will need: At least 5 kinds of fruits Barbecue s...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Christmas, Holiday crafts, Personalize, Teaching Ideas
Jazzed Up Christmas Stockings
by Cheryl Villareal on Dec 24th, 2010
Why spend huge amounts of money to buy the perfect Christmas stocking when the kids can make their own? It may not be as nice to others as a store bought stocking, but I assure you, that personal touch will do wonders! The kids will surely love it more. - What you will need Fabric Glue/ All purpose glue or wood glue Foam shapes/ Sequins and other random stuff to glue unto the stocking Christmas Stocking or plain sock Glitter glue ...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Christmas, Family, Featured, Holiday crafts, Personalize, Teaching Ideas
Family Picture Ornament
by Cheryl Villareal on Dec 22nd, 2010
First of all, I'm really not sure what to call this! My partner and I saw an ornament via the internet where in they used a hanger and hung other stars below. We liked the idea but decided to try something else. So instead of a simple wrapped up hanger, we decided to make a frame using tinsel. *Note: This is a 2 to 3 day activity. Let the child do each part per day. It would be tiring to finish them all in just one day. - What you will n...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Christmas, Featured, Holiday crafts, Personalize, Teaching Ideas
Little Paper Plate Angels
by Cheryl Villareal on Dec 21st, 2010
Another great craft this holiday season would be to make Christmas angels! But why limit it to the holidays? You can do it all year round! It would even be a wonderful activity for the start of school! We wanted the toddlers to have their own personalized angels, but we wanted it to be different. So with the help of Adobe Photoshop, I made some funky looking faces for the kids by changing their hair color and making them look a little bit like...Read More » Tags
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