Posts Tagged ‘lifestyle tv’
Filed under: Featured, Fit and Healthy, Fun in Manila, Lifestyle and Events, Travel and Events
Glamping by Lifestyle 2016: Why You Shouldn’t Miss the Next One
by Cheryl Villareal on Apr 26th, 2016
I love nature. I love walking on the beach, watching the birds, interacting with the animals, watching the sunset, etc. I love it. However, I never exactly saw myself camping. Camping is a whole different story, especially ‘coz I also love having a clean restroom to take a shower and just do my business. Hence, the closest I ever got to “exploring” nature was during one of my trail runs, or an ordinary trip to the beach (with accommodations...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Featured, Health and Fitness, Health and Nutrition, Running News and Highlights, Running Tips, workout and exercise
Metabeats: A Fitness and Wellness Nutrition Show with Coaches Jim and Toni Saret
by Cheryl Villareal on Apr 15th, 2016
Everyone wants to be fit and healthy, but not everyone is willing to spend hours in the gym (and another hour stuck in traffic) just to achieve that. Moreover, with all the new techniques shared online, it’s not that difficult to come up with our own set of exercises at home. Though there are a lot of excellent gyms out there, not having the time or money to enroll in one does not give you an excuse to stop working out. As they say in Filipino,...Read More » Tags
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