Posts Tagged ‘La Salle’
Filed under: Featured, Fun Runs and Marathons, Health and Fitness, Run for a Cause, Running Gear and Apparels
Get Ready for The Greentennial Half Marathon
by Cheryl Villareal on Apr 23rd, 2011
Last January, I joined the 1st Greentennial Run with a friend. For a new name in the running world, Greentennial sure did not disappoint me. It was a clean run with lots of activities to do afterward! Because of the success of this run, several runners asked if they could organize another run, and so they did. But just before they finished it, the tragedies in Japan happened which led them to organize a run for the benefit of the victi...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Featured, Fun Runs and Marathons, Health and Fitness, Run for a Cause
Greentennial Run for Japan – because we care!
by Cheryl Villareal on Apr 23rd, 2011
Just a month ago, Japan was hit with 3 calamities all in a few days time. First it was an 8.9 magnitude quake that rocked the country, and then it was followed by a massive tsunami that washed away hundreds and thousands of homes and buildings leaving several homeless, and if that wasn't enough, the nuclear reactors put each of their healths at stake as one after the other started to melt down. Truly, being in these situations and still surviving...Read More » Tags
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