Posts Tagged ‘indoor duathlon’
Filed under: Duathlon, Fun Runs and Marathons, Health and Fitness, Results and Experiences
Indoor Duathlon Experience at Fitness and Athletics
by Cheryl Villareal on Aug 4th, 2013
About a month ago, I was walking by the Fort to claim a race kit for an upcoming run when I ran into Ms. Arleen Lindo of Chris Sports right outside Fitness and Athletics. She invited me in to check out a participant who was in the middle of his indoor duathlon. She then invited me to give it a try myself. I was very curious and definitely interested but at the same time I was telling myself, “You don’t bike! How would you do this!” ...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Duathlon, Featured, Fun Runs and Marathons, Health and Fitness, Multisport
Indoor Duathlon at Fitness and Athletics
by Cheryl Villareal on Jul 22nd, 2013
Have you ever tried joining a duathlon? A duathlon is basically is a sporting event that consists of a running and cycling. A lot of runners have moved up to doing a duathlon or a triathlon, but have any of you ever tried an indoor duathlon? I’m pretty sure not! Which is why I highly encourage you guys to give this one a try! Imagine running and cycling indoors, away from the harmful rays of the run! This is definitely an experience worth havin...Read More » Tags
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