Posts Tagged ‘groupons’
Filed under: Bazaars, Contests and Announcements, Lifestyle and Events
Group Buying Websites in the Philippines
by Cheryl Villareal on Feb 9th, 2011
Just recently, I discovered the joys of group buying websites! I think I am slowly getting addicted to it! - As most of us know, we can easily avail items at cheaper prices when we buy in bulk. This is just how it works in the group buying websites. No, you do not need to buy as a group. Unintentionally, you are already buying with a group of people you don't really know. United we stand, divided we fall! If you haven't tried visiting these...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Business and Services, Featured, Food and Dining, Lifestyle and Events
Discounted Dinner at Spiral Buffet c/o Cash Cash Pinoy
by Cheryl Villareal on Dec 28th, 2010
Groupons (Group Coupons) is starting to gain fame in the Philippines, and websites are slowly getting in on the trend. The idea originated in America and I'm sure glad the Philippines is catching on. So how exactly does it work? Well, I'm not sure if you've noticed but buying stuff in bulk makes it cheaper! So rather than paying 20 pesos per roll of tissue paper, you can get 12 rolls for 100 pesos. Right? If only we had many many friends and ...Read More » Tags
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