Posts Tagged ‘Gluta-C’
Filed under: Beauty and Wellness, Lifestyle and Events
Whiter and Smoother Underarms Thanks to Gluta-C Intense Whitening
by Cheryl Villareal on Oct 21st, 2012
A few weeks ago, I posted a short entry about the Gluta-C Underarm and Bikini Skin Whitening Gel. And as promise, I tried it out myself and here are the results. I've always been conscious with my underarms, and if any of you are too, then this is something you want to check out. After all, you don't want the kids noticing your dark underarms first right? On the box, Gluta-C Intense Whitening promotes the following changes...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Beauty and Wellness, Lifestyle and Events
Experimenting with Gluta-C Underarm and Bikini Whitening Gel
by Cheryl Villareal on Oct 2nd, 2012
Getting whiter has never been a problem for me. Most friends used to say I was TOO white and so I tried to tan myself a bit. However, getting white underarms is a different story. When we reached puberty, shaving became inevitable. Most women don’t like to talk about it, but we all know the facts. I personally don’t think I have dark underarms, though I don’t think they’re perfect. I used to love plucking them when I was youn...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Beauty and Wellness, Lifestyle and Events
Gluta-C Underarm and Bikini Whitening Gel: Shy No More
by Clarissa Almeida on Sep 10th, 2012
Hey girls! Are dark underarms keeping you from looking and feeling your best? Are there lots of sleeveless dresses, clothes, swimsuits and bikinis in your closet that you can’t just wear because you are pretty shy to show off your dark underarms and prefer to use those clothes with sleeves even though it’s freakin’ hot in there? If your answer is yes, chances are you are experiencing hyper-pigmentation, or excessive skin darkening, on sensi...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Beauty and Wellness, Contests and Announcements
Little Running Teacher 2nd Anniversary Giveaway: Part 1 Gluta-C Giveaway
by Cheryl Villareal on Aug 26th, 2012
Happy Anniversary to me! Yey!!! Thank you everyone for your undying support! To celebrate, I’ll be having a month long contest c/o my wonderful sponsors! As a runner, it’s a must to go out in the sun! We run regardless of the weather as long as we get our training right! Though running helps tone our muscles, we also need something to tone our skins. So for our first week, with special thanks to Ardent World, I will be gi...Read More » Tags
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