Posts Tagged ‘food’
Filed under: Carboload, Health and Fitness
Chaplin Cafe: Indulge in Delicious Mediterranean Food at a Cozy Restaurant in Century City Mall
by Cheryl Villareal on Jun 21st, 2016
"Take your time, that's our motto," owner Yuval Mann would tell us as we sat down enjoying dinner in his cozy little restaurant. Chaplin was after all built around that concept -- that amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life, this is a place for you to just sit down, relax and unwind. The restaurant's yellow light, wooden interior and soft music will really make you just want to forget all your worries as you enjoy a cup of their delicious ...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Food and Dining, Lifestyle and Events
Cow Bell Steak Café: Quality and Affordable Steaks in Makati
by Cheryl Villareal on Dec 15th, 2014
I’m a steak lover and am always on the lookout for delicious steak restaurants in Manila. Now, I have my top 3, but I’m still always on the lookout for good steaks at affordable costs. A few weeks ago, I discovered one that just opened along Jupiter Avenue in Makati. Its simple yet creative logo caught my attention and had me walking in there unplanned. In case you hadn’t noticed, check out the fork on the cow’s head. “wink* Cow Bell...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Food and Dining, Lifestyle and Events
Papa John’s Pizza Price Slash!
by Cheryl Villareal on Jul 29th, 2013
Pizza anyone? With all the prices of food and transportation going up nowadays, don’t you just wish someone would go the other way? Well, if you did, then you’d be thrilled to find out about Papa John’s Pizza’s Price Slash! Don’t worry about quality, you’d still get the same Papa John’s quality pizza only at a better price! It’s not just those two pizzas that are discounted though… you can now avail of all of their ...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Family Events, Featured, Food and Dining, Lifestyle and Events
Aria’s New Kiddie Menu: Make Your Own Pizza
by Cheryl Villareal on Mar 27th, 2013
As a preschool teacher, I’m always on the lookout for fun activities my students would enjoy and learn from! During field trips, one of our favorite things to do is take the kids to a pizza shop so they get to make their own pizzas! I love the idea because it’s not something the kids can just go and do on any day. It’s something they only get to do on field trips. So when I heard that Aria was offering an addition to their kiddie menu which...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: costume run, Family Run, Free race kits, Fun Runs and Marathons, Health and Fitness, obstacle run, Running News and Highlights
Eat and Run: The 6km Food Relay
by Cheryl Villareal on Mar 19th, 2013
I’ve heard of carbo loading before a race, and I’ve heard of carbo loading after a race… but have any of you heard of carbo loading DURING the race? Well, not really carbo loading, more like eat and run! This Sunday, the Asian Food Channel will turn your world around as they give Eat and Run a whole new meaning! For the first time in Manila, runners will need to combine not just speed and agility… but also their eating skills! �...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Featured, Food and Dining, Lifestyle and Events
Mrs. Graham’s Bakery: The BEST Macarons in Town!
by Cheryl Villareal on Mar 14th, 2013
I’m not kidding, Mrs. Graham’s macarons are DEFINITELY the BEST macarons in town!! You guys have GOT TO TRY IT… ‘coz if you haven’t, you’re missing out on a lot! I first heard of Mrs. Graham’s macarons just last week when a friend asked me if I liked macarons. The first thought that came to mind weren’t macarons but macaROONS (with two Os). I was thinking of those small coconut cupcake things… so, YES, I LOVED them....Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Featured, Food and Dining, Lifestyle and Events
Ma Maison: A Fusion of Western and Japanese Food
by Cheryl Villareal on Jan 20th, 2013
I love to eat, (that’s probably why I eventually loved running) and two of my favorite styles are Japanese and Western. Korean and Vietnamese are slowly making my top list too. Anyway, I love Japanese for their sushi and simply how fresh everything seems. The meat is so tender and the sauces are just right. On the other hand, I love American food for its exaggeration of flavors! I love salty food, I love burgers and I definitely love steak! So ...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Food and Dining, Lifestyle and Events
Red Crab’s New Guilt-Free Menu with Suchero
by Cheryl Villareal on Jan 3rd, 2013
Mmm…. sweet sweet food. Don’t you just love eating sweet sugary food? Honestly, a huge percentage of our food actually contains sugar, many of which we might not even have realized. I’m sure all of you know that sugar IS NOT healthy, so just like any other food, a little bit is okay, but too much can be hazardous. Did you know that cane sugar actually FEEDS cancer cells? and sweeteners are like plastic in the body, because th...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Contests and Announcements, Food and Dining, Lifestyle and Events
Get a Chance to Win 100,000 Pesos and MORE with Coca-Cola this Christmas Season!
by Cheryl Villareal on Oct 22nd, 2012
Whenever the Christmas season rolls in, some things I’ve always looked forward to are Coca-cola’s commercials and promotions! I’ve always seen them growing up, and somehow they’ve just become part of my Christmas memories. Well this year is no different, Coca-Cola has once again outdone themselves to bring you the best Christmas ever! COCA-COLA MILYUN-MILYONG PAMASKONG PA-BLOW OUT promo! In line with Coca-cola�...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Food and Dining, Lifestyle and Events
Hoho Chickenchop: Taiwan’s Original now in Manila
by Cheryl Villareal on Oct 13th, 2012
Ivy, a friend of mine who often goes to Hong Kong kept telling me about this really good fried chicken which she found on the streets of Hong Kong. I tried to find it when I went to Singapore but they didn't have it. So when I visited Hong Kong with her last June, we had to go out of our way and find this street food just because it was THAT good. At first I thought, "it's just chicken, what's the big deal?" Plus, it's just street food, it can't ...Read More » Tags
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