Posts Tagged ‘environment’
Filed under: Lifestyle and Events, People and Places
Billboard Turns Air into Drinking Water
by Cheryl Villareal on Mar 25th, 2014
Did you ever think that billboards could be used as more than just an advertisement? I enjoy looking at billboards but I also feel that too many of it can become an eye-sore and add to pollution. Well, after this video, my view on videos have changed. This billboard was such an AH-MAZING innovation! A MUST SEE.. and MUST DO! Wouldn't it be great if more billboards could be turned into more than just a waste of light ener...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Business and Services, Lifestyle and Events
Boysen KNOxOUT Helps Knock Out Air Pollution!
by Cheryl Villareal on Dec 10th, 2012
Living healthy in a very air polluted environment is not really good for you at all, take for instance running or cycling along EDSA. It would actually do you more harm than good. What is worst is that it won’t really help if you are a bit further away from those busy highways because air pollution from these roads spreads to a 4KM radius. Cars are almost a daily necessity in a megapolis like Metro Manila so it would be hard to co...Read More » Tags
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