Posts Tagged ‘dining’
Filed under: Food and Dining, Lifestyle and Events
Hoho Chickenchop: Taiwan’s Original now in Manila
by Cheryl Villareal on Oct 13th, 2012
Ivy, a friend of mine who often goes to Hong Kong kept telling me about this really good fried chicken which she found on the streets of Hong Kong. I tried to find it when I went to Singapore but they didn't have it. So when I visited Hong Kong with her last June, we had to go out of our way and find this street food just because it was THAT good. At first I thought, "it's just chicken, what's the big deal?" Plus, it's just street food, it can't ...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Food and Dining, Lifestyle and Events
Figaro Coffee Company presents its ALL DAY BREAKFAST SAMPLERS
by Cheryl Villareal on Jul 8th, 2012
Although often skipped and taken for granted, breakfast is really the MOST important meal of the day. I’ve heard this said so many times but I still ignore it sometimes. If you’re on the go or even if you were on a diet, having breakfast before beginning the day can be a LOT OF HELP. Not only does it give you more energy to start the day right, but it also keeps your stomachs full and contented for a while. When I was young, my m...Read More » Tags
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