Posts Tagged ‘cooking activities’
Filed under: Carboload, Featured, Food and Dining, Random
McDonald’s Summer Specials: McFloat Summer Medley
by Cheryl Villareal on Mar 17th, 2012
Don’t you just love the summer? The hot weather is the perfect excuse to hit the beach, eat some ice cream and of course, to try the McDonalds Summer Special! Every year, Mcdonald’s releases a variety of specials on certain occasions and it’s usually a mix of main meals, desserts, etc. Well, this summer, McDonald’s decided to focus on the McFloat and add a twist to it… more like 4 TWISTS TO IT! The McDonalds summer special ...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Cooking in Class, Featured, Stories, Teaching Ideas
Warm Up with Some Stone Soup
by Cheryl Villareal on Jan 9th, 2011
Ever heard of the story Stone Soup? I hear there are different versions of it, but I've only heard a few. My favorite version would be that by Ann McGovern because it simple depicts a young man outwitting the older woman. It does not really show that anyone was being boastful or mean. Warm up this winter season with a bowl of stone stoup! Several kids enjoy this story. Some would really think that it was magic that turned the stone into soup,...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Cooking in Class, Featured, Teaching Ideas
Ice Scramble for the Kids
by Cheryl Villareal on Jan 6th, 2011
Ice scramble is a famous ice-based treat here in the Philippines. It is usually topped with various flavorings like milk, marshmallows and chocolate syrup. It started around 10 years ago and was only being sold by vendors along the street, today however, it can be found not only in almost every street corner but in almost every mall! Most Filipinos, including myself, really enjoy this yummy treat. Even our toddlers were already familiar with i...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Cooking in Class, Featured, Fruits and Vegetables, Teaching Ideas
Yummy Fruit Kebab!
by Cheryl Villareal on Jan 5th, 2011
Most children love eating fruits, but adding a little twist to the fruits makes the experience even better for them! For our theme on food, we decided to make some fruit kebabs with the kids. The term "kebab" is a Persian or Indian term that means on a stick or skewer. This is usually meant for their famous chicken kebabs and the like. In our case, we decided to use fruits! - What you will need: At least 5 kinds of fruits Barbecue s...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Colors and Shapes, Cooking in Class, Edible crafts, Featured, Halloween, Mothers' Day, St. Patrick's Day, Teaching Ideas
Rainbow Bread
by Cheryl Villareal on Nov 24th, 2010
Most kids enjoy painting and doing random art works. At most times, it is the only thing they want to do! Then again, a lot of kids also enjoy cooking. I think the fact that they are not yet allowed to do so on their own is what makes it more exciting for them. Painting and cooking; two great activities on their own. What more fun it would be if we could combine them. Well, who says we can't? My co-teacher and I were trying to come u...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Cooking in Class, Featured, Senses and Body Parts, Teaching Ideas
Toques for the Little Chefs
by Cheryl Villareal on Nov 22nd, 2010
Preschool just wouldn't be complete if we didn't get to cook a meal or two right? Kids need not cook difficult dishes to enjoy the experience. Just let them fry some hot dogs or any of their favorite food, and I guarantee they'll have a smile on their face when they're done. In fact, the simpler the meal, the better. It makes them feel that they actually could already cook! Before taking out those pots and pans, we always enjoy dressing up fir...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Cooking in Class, Edible crafts, Featured, Halloween, Holiday crafts, Science Experiments, Senses and Body Parts, Teaching Ideas
Edible Slime for Halloween
by Cheryl Villareal on Oct 22nd, 2010
Halloween just wouldn't be complete without SLIME! I couldn't miss out on this opportunity! For the past two weeks, my tutee has been begging me to make slime! I think her curiosity started because of Nickelodeon and all the slime they use! So anyway, I figured I'll just have her make goo since it was something I was already familiar with. However, after browsing the internet for more fun activities, I came across a recipe for edible slime... ...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Cooking in Class, Featured, Fruits and Vegetables, Teaching Ideas
Hot Potato
by Cheryl Villareal on Oct 9th, 2010
While on the topic of hands, we also learned about hot and cold objects! What a perfect opportunity to cook with the kids! We wanted them to be able to see how cooking can soften up something and so we decided to make some Mashed Potatoes! To start off, we danced to the song HOT POTATO by the Wiggles! My students last year loved this song, and so did the kids this year! We played it more than 10 times during free play the following day due to ...Read More » Tags
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