Posts Tagged ‘Christmas decor’
Filed under: Christmas, Classroom Designs, Featured, Holiday crafts, Teaching Ideas
Classroom Fireplace Decor for Christmas
by Cheryl Villareal on Dec 24th, 2012
We didn't have a Christmas tree nor any big Christmas lanterns, so where could we put the gifts on Christmas Day? Hmm.... why not build a fireplace! What you will need: White Cartolina or Bond Paper Brown, red and black paint Paint Brush Scissors Red, orange and yellow paper Black cartolina What you will do: Step 1: To get that "wood" effect, we painted on white cartolina using the colors Re...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Christmas, Classroom Designs, Featured, Holiday crafts, Recycled art, Teaching Ideas
Puzzled Christmas Wreath
by Cheryl Villareal on Dec 18th, 2011
It’s always fun to come up with a variety of objects to glue unto our Christmas wreaths! Last year, we tried gluing mittens and bottle caps, this year, we tried using old puzzle pieces to make colorful wreaths! So I’m sure most of you have tried letting your kids put together a puzzle or two and after completing it, the puzzle pieces start getting lost one by one. So now you’re left with a box filled with incomplete puzzle pieces, what d...Read More » Tags
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