Posts Tagged ‘christmas’
Filed under: Health and Fitness, Multisport, Running Aids, Running Gear and Apparels, Running News and Highlights
The Perfect Gift to Give Your Running Buddy can be Found in Runnr
by Cheryl Villareal on Dec 11th, 2013
It’s that time of year again, and I’m sure you’re all scurrying to find a good gift that fits your budget. I’ve actually been doing the same. Scouting for good presents that fit my friend’s personalities.Something for the teacher, for the nurse, for the coach, and especially for the runners! Stuff for runners can be a bit pricey, but with Runnr’s Christmas deals, they’re sure to save you a couple of pesos! But why r...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Family and Parenting, Films and Movies, Fun in Manila, Lifestyle and Events
25 Stories: Building Beautiful Fairy Tales Everyday with Ayala
by Cheryl Villareal on Oct 5th, 2013
Whenever we feel bored or just wanna hang out and relax, we can always count on the many establishments and malls of Ayala Land to help make us feel better. Funny thing is that we feel like Ayala has just always been there but we never really noticed how long it’s actually been. Last Sept. 16, 2013 actually marked the 25th anniversary of Ayala Land Inc., and to celebrate, Ayala Land Inc. presented the 25 Stories and 25 Surprises! The 2...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Contests and Announcements, Family and Parenting, Fun in Manila, Lifestyle and Events, People and Places
Ayala Malls’ Act of Kindness this Christmas Season
by Cheryl Villareal on Dec 10th, 2012
Charms of Christmas, one of its campaign activities, is an online promo that gives everyone a chance to receive a charm bracelet designed by Ana Rocha. We have more than 400 charms to give away. It’s main objective is to encourage people to share kindness to somebody, be it to their loved ones, friends or a random person, by doing kindness acts this Christmas season. In order to qualify the promo, interested participants should do an act of ...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Business and Services, Contests and Announcements, Jewelry, Lifestyle and Events, People and Places
Ayala Malls’ Charms of Christmas Giveaway!
by Cheryl Villareal on Dec 8th, 2012
Christmas is in the air! Doesn't that excite you? The malls are slowly getting filled with people shopping for the perfect present for friends and family! But really, the best gift we can give is just a little love. :) This Christmas, Ayala Malls encourages you to do just that, and they'll award you with an exclusive and beautiful charm bracelet! - - Contest Mechanics Be rewarded with an exclusive charm bracelet by Ayala Malls. There wi...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Bazaars, Featured, Lifestyle and Events
The Kiddo-Preneur Christmas Bazaar: Entrepreneurship for the Young Minds
by Cheryl Villareal on Dec 1st, 2012
Nowadays, having a job is no longer enough to be financially stable. Often times, our 9 to 5 jobs are only enough to pay the bills, but does not leave room for us to enjoy life anymore. In short, we get stuck in the rate race. We work harder for a company to earn more. So why not be our own bosses? Having our own businesses may be as easy as 1-2-3 or as difficult as chemistry, but I know one thing for sure... we won't get anywhere unless we start...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Featured, Lifestyle and Events, People and Places, Workshops and Seminars
Craft MNL’s 13 Days of Christmas Handmade Love
by Cheryl Villareal on Nov 18th, 2012
Just a few more days till Christmas! Have you decided what to give those special people yet? I’m sure you’re eyeing a cool new shirt or a suave new gadget to give, but before you go splurging all your money on something bought in the store, why not give something from the heart? Why not add a little extra effort and make something for those special people. Nothing beats a handmade gift. I should know, my students always make these! =) ...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Christmas, Classroom Designs, Featured, Holiday crafts, Recycled art, Teaching Ideas
Puzzled Christmas Wreath
by Cheryl Villareal on Dec 18th, 2011
It’s always fun to come up with a variety of objects to glue unto our Christmas wreaths! Last year, we tried gluing mittens and bottle caps, this year, we tried using old puzzle pieces to make colorful wreaths! So I’m sure most of you have tried letting your kids put together a puzzle or two and after completing it, the puzzle pieces start getting lost one by one. So now you’re left with a box filled with incomplete puzzle pieces, what d...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Christmas, Featured, Holiday crafts, Teaching Ideas
2 in 1: Christmas Lantern and Christmas Card
by Cheryl Villareal on Dec 12th, 2011
We originally wanted to make a Christmas lantern that we could hang inside the classroom (and the kids could hang in their homes later on). However, while doing the activity, we realized we could make it more meaningful by turning this lantern into a Christmas card….and so we did just that! What you will need: Colored tissue paper/ Crepe paper/ Japanese Paper Colored cellophane Construction Paper Cutter Ca...Read More » Tags
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