Posts Tagged ‘charity’
Filed under: Charity Works, Family and Parenting, Lifestyle and Events
Domex “Fiesta” Video: A Pledge for One Million Clean Toilets
by Cheryl Villareal on Nov 18th, 2014
Whenever I go out and do restaurant or hotel reviews, I often take into consideration what the comfort rooms look like. You see, I feel it's one of the few things people tend to overlook and give less importance to, but should actually be a main priority. In our own homes, some people go all out in decorating their living rooms and bedrooms but would often neglect their comfort rooms. Did you know though, that 7 million people in the Philippines ...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Featured, Health and Fitness, workout and exercise
NBA Legend Ron Harper leads Alaska Milk and US Embassy Basketball Clinic
by Cheryl Villareal on Oct 14th, 2013
It’s not everyday that we have famous NBA players grace the Philippines with their presence. Everyone, even people who weren’t fans of NBA got excited upon hearing that they were coming to the Philippines. But besides just “working”, they made sure to leave a mark. In partnership with the US Embassy and NBA, Alaska Milk Corporation held a Basketball clinic for the underserved youth last October 5, 2013 with 5-time champion and fo...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Business and Services, Lifestyle and Events
Boysen KNOxOUT Helps Knock Out Air Pollution!
by Cheryl Villareal on Dec 10th, 2012
Living healthy in a very air polluted environment is not really good for you at all, take for instance running or cycling along EDSA. It would actually do you more harm than good. What is worst is that it won’t really help if you are a bit further away from those busy highways because air pollution from these roads spreads to a 4KM radius. Cars are almost a daily necessity in a megapolis like Metro Manila so it would be hard to co...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Charity Works, Inspirational Stories, Random thoughts, Videos
We say Garbage, They say HOME.
by Cheryl Villareal on Sep 6th, 2011
I've been staring down this blank page for a while, trying to come up with words to write about a previous event I attended that was held in a poverty stricken area here in the Philippines. I've typed several words only to end up deleting it because I couldn't fully express what I wanted to say. So I decided to write a new post first, and get these feelings out of my chest. - Last week, I attended the inauguration of a school in Tondo. Seei...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Charity Works, Featured, Foundations and Organizations, Health and Fitness, Run for a Cause
ANCOP Global Walk: Changing the World ONE Child at a Time!
by Cheryl Villareal on Aug 7th, 2011
Before anything else, what exactly is ANCOP? The acronym actually stands for "Answering the Cry of the Poor". Just that itself already caught my attention. The number of homeless people and poverty stricken areas in our country is not going down, in fact, the number just keeps rising every year. Be the change you want to see. We have NO RIGHT to keep complaining over our country's situation if we aren't doing our part in helping out. - To f...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Charity Works, Fashion and Apparels, Featured, Foundations and Organizations, Health and Fitness, Lifestyle and Events, Running Gear and Apparels
Make Dreams Come True with “Eat, Pray, Run”
by Cheryl Villareal on Apr 19th, 2011
While browsing my Facebook page one day, I noticed a photo wherein one of my friends was tagged. It was a photo of a little stick man drawn in the simplest form possible in black and white but with eyes shaped like a heart and in the color red. I wondered what it was and so I followed the link, that's when I came across the three words, "Eat, Pray, Run" - Strong words. I started analyzing the way I go by my everyday stuff. Eat (How coul...Read More » Tags
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