Posts Tagged ‘cars’
Filed under: Business and Services, Lifestyle and Events
Volkswagen Beetle: The Icon is Back!
by Cheryl Villareal on May 25th, 2014
It’s that cute little tiny 2 door car we often see in movies, a classic ride several collectors wish to have themselves. The third generation of the Volkswagen icon is officially back: The one and only Beetle. In a symbolic ceremony, Ayala Auto Holdings Corporation (AAHC) and Automobile Central Enterprise, Inc. (ACEI), led by Fernando Zobel de Ayala (President and COO of Ayala Corporation), his brother, Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala (CEO of Ay...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Family, Featured, First Day of School, Personalize, Reading and Language, Recycled art, Teaching Ideas, Transportation
Personalized School Bus with the Old Shoe Box
by Cheryl Villareal on Feb 12th, 2012
This activity was supposedly a really simple art and craft activity for our theme on transportation. However, as we were planning it, more ideas kept popping out and we eventually came up with this. The idea came from the teachers, but it wouldn’t have turned out this great if the kids weren’t as creative! Good job kids! What you will need Shoe box Yellow cartolina/ paper Thin strip of black paper 4 circul...Read More » Tags
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