Posts Tagged ‘business’
Filed under: Awards Night, Business and Services, Lifestyle and Events
PLDT Kaasenso Cyberya: Internet Cafe Negosyo
by Cheryl Villareal on Nov 4th, 2014
Last week's Gabay Guro Grand Gathering was a momentous event that I won't soon forget! All those celebrities singing and dancing on stage, not to mention all the super cool prizes given away certainly made it a day to remember for all teachers! Thanks again PLDT and MVP! One of the most interesting prizes given away that day was probably the PLDT Kaasenso Cyberya, a mini internet cafe business. PLDT Kaasenso Cyberya: EVP, Head of...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Blogapalooza, Business and Services, Food and Dining, Lifestyle and Events
Brown Bag Coffee Solutions: Coffee for Rent
by Cheryl Villareal on Dec 5th, 2013
2014 is about to begin, and a lot of people are already trying to come up with business ideas to start the new year. Unfortunately, to turn that idea into something concrete, we need A LOT of money. And if the business fails, we’re left with a lot of junk and nothing important… not even cash. Well worry not, ‘cause Brown Bag Coffee is the perfect solution to this problem. You get the same output while putting less at risk. With...Read More » Tags
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