Posts Tagged ‘adventure’
Filed under: Fun in Manila, Lifestyle and Events, People and Places, Travel and Events
Tree Top Adventure in Baguio: Experience an Adventure of a Lifetime
by Cheryl Villareal on Feb 2nd, 2015
Since I started running 5 years ago, I also started becoming more adventurous with my usual activities. More than just trying out new sports and fitness activities, I’ve also been curious and on the look out for more thrilling (but not deadly) adventures to do with my fiance and friends. The Philippines is definitely no newcomer when it comes to the world of Adventure with its skywalk in Cebu, cliff diving in Boracay and many more. Well, why do...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Beauty and Wellness, Contests and Announcements, Lifestyle and Events
Win an All-Expense Paid Trip to Palawan and Enjoy your 25-Hours of Fun!
by Cheryl Villareal on Apr 10th, 2013
When asked what my dream vacation would be like, I’d often describe a beautiful beach with white sands, crystal blue water, clear skies and the wind blowing in my hair. But honestly, I think a dream vacation would be anywhere in the world with the people I love! Hmm.... so where would I go anyway? The place could be as simple as our village pool….or maybe an imaginary farm with my students? Or maybe to the beach with friends I l...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Lifestyle and Events, People and Places, Travel and Events
It’s not yet too late to GET OUT MORE
by Cheryl Villareal on Sep 17th, 2012
Life is short and we’re honestly wasting away the hours just sitting in front of our computers. A typical day for most of us is to get up in the morning, go to work, come back home, check Facebook, and back to bed. Dude, that’s not the right way to live! Every now and then we have to take a break, relax, GET OUT MORE and enjoy life! I found this app over at that allows you to make a short 30 second video of the ...Read More » Tags
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