Life is short and we’re honestly wasting away the hours just sitting in front of our computers. A typical day for most of us is to get up in the morning, go to work, come back home, check Facebook, and back to bed. Dude, that’s not the right way to live! Every now and then we have to take a break, relax, GET OUT MORE and enjoy life!
I found this app over at that allows you to make a short 30 second video of the adventures of you’ve had so far. It’s really simply as some photos are already pre-selected by the app and you just need to add one more photo for each category.
The app looks something like this:
As I searched my computer for photos to put into each category, I realized, I didn’t have that much photos after all. I realized I have been going out but I haven’t really been living the life yet! I had thousands of photos on my computer but I couldn’t seem to find the perfect photo to match the category!
Somehow, this app motivates me to GET OUT MORE and start filling in the pages of my soon-to-be exciting life! So anyway, here’s how my video turned out. Quick, simple and a constant reminder to GET OUT MORE. We’re missing life!
Create your own video by heading over to