Got any fun runs yet planned for June 24, 2012? It’s still in a month so maybe you can set aside this date for the kids. Won’t you?
Children may not know much yet, but they still have rights that adults need to learn to respect! Many times, these rights are taken away from them, and being the young and fragile beings that they are, they can’t do anything about it. BUT WE CAN! Let’s be their voice… and one way to do it is by joining the RUN FOR CHILDREN’S RIGHTS on June 24!!

What: Isa, Dalawa, Takbo! Run for Children’s Rights
When: June 24, 2012 (Sunday)
Where: UP Academic Oval
Race Categories: 3k, 5k, 10k
Registration Fees: 300Php, 400Php, 500Php respectively
Registration Sites: ONLINE via Facebook. Click
HERE for more details
Isa, Dalawa, Takbo! Run for Children’s Rights is made possible through UP College of Law’s Movement for the Youth’s Education or MYLE.
The Movement for the Youth’s Legal Education or MYLE seeks to provide legal education primarily for children, and secondarily for the children’s families and their educators towards a holistic formation of the Filipino youth. It aims to provide awareness to children of their basic rights through classroom activities, lectures and workshops. MYLE also seeks to serve as a venue for students of the law to engage in a pro-active approach to learning laws pertaining to children’s rights.
MYLE organized this run for the benefit of
Lingap Pangkabataan,, a non-government organization that also advocates children’s rights, which will celebrate its anniversary in June 2012.
About the beneficiary: Lingap Pangkabataan
Their Mission
LINGAP PANGKABATAAN is a child-focused Christian development organization called to:
L ead in child-advocacy effort,
I mplement community development program,
N etwork and partner to other organizations,
G enerate and mobilize resources,
A ssist local projects and,
P romote community self-reliance
– that children especially the poor and the marginalized would be able to live life in all its fullness.
LINGAP PANGKABATAAN INCORPORATED Care for Children, Is a non-government, non-stock and non-profit, faith-based, social development organization established in 1981 committed for holistic development of children and youth, together with their families and communities.
Isa, Dalawa, Takbo! Run for Children’s Rights!
Street and school children alike will also participating in the run alongside runners. Tarpaulins, banners and posters will be hung along the race course, the university oval, with messages or statements declaring the rights of children for raising the awareness of runners and the community. A short program will also be held in front of the College of Law with mini talks/lectures by children’s rights advocates. The children will also be performing several numbers. The run in itself is an advocacy run for the rights of Filipino children and children all over the world.
So what do you say guys? Mark your calendars and run for a cause on June 24! See you there!!!