I’ve seen a variety of Christmas wreaths in various blog sites this season. I loved most of the ideas but I wanted to come up with something different and unique. Last year, my kids made a puzzle wreath! It turned out to be really cute and I’ll try to post a blog about it as soon as I find those pictures! This year, we wanted to make a hand print wreath but the other class had already done it a week ahead of us. So we thought of something else. My partner and I came up with a mitten wreath instead.
Not only did it turn out to be really colorful, but the kids also got to practice their color matching skills!
- Dark shades of colored semi-cardboard paper
- Lighter shades of colored paper
- Glue
- Scissors
- Paper plate
- Green paint
Teacher’s Preparation:
Step 1: Cut out mittens with the same size as the child’s hand on the dark shades of colored paper
Step 2: Print out some Christmas symbols on the lighter shades of colored paper
Step 3: Paint the outer part of the paper plate green and cut out the center
Kid’s Turn
Step 1: Let the kids glue the symbols on the mittens. This part enables them to practice color matching
Step 2: Glue the mittens on the paper plates
We printed out candles with their names on it and placed it in the middle of the wreath! Display it around your classroom! Happy holidays!