Archive for the ‘Senses and Body Parts ’ Category
Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Christmas, Featured, Hands can feel, Holiday crafts, Magic Art, Messy art, Science Experiments, Seasons, Senses and Body Parts, Summer, Teaching Ideas, Winter
Ice Painting with the Kids
by Cheryl Villareal on Aug 28th, 2011
When doing art with kids, one thing we need to remember is that the LESS structured it is, the MORE their creativity shines! As Teacher Tom once said, "It is not our job to be creative, it's the kid's" This line stuck with me and I always remember this when doing an art activity with the kids. - Last year, I came across this ICE PAINTING activity while browsing some blogs. There were several blogs with this activity and I felt really curi...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Ears for hearing, Featured, Music and Movement, Senses and Body Parts, Teaching Ideas
Make Your Own Guitar in Preschool
by Cheryl Villareal on Jul 30th, 2011
Most kids love making any kind of sound or music using whatever materials possible. I remember loving to make a whole lot of ruckus myself when I was younger. It's cute and funny how every random thing around them can be made into anything they want with just a little imagination. But of course, it doesn't hurt to also make our own instruments using recycled materials! We thought of making guitars because of our students' fascination over it. ...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Featured, Games and Activities, Messy art, Sand and Sea, Science Experiments, Senses and Body Parts, Teaching Ideas
Making and Playing with CLEAN Mud
by Cheryl Villareal on Jul 14th, 2011
As a kid, I always had fun whenever playtime involved getting messy. I liked running in flood, playing food fights and even stepping on mud! The messier it was, the better it got! But as I grew older, I also slowly became aware of all the gross and icky stuff that goes with these messy games..all the germs and various stuff which I hate to mention. As soon as I realized these, messy play time was over. Kids nowadays enjoy the same me...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Eyes can see, Featured, Seasons, Senses and Body Parts, Summer, Teaching Ideas
Funky Sunglasses for Summer
by Cheryl Villareal on Jul 9th, 2011
Everyone, especially the kids, loves a good pair of sunglasses! Kids especially love trying them on regardless of the size or color! Hand them some shades and they'll wear them one by one! So if ordinary shades already work wonders for them, imagine how much more exciting it would be for them to create and design their own. What you will need Cardboard/Folder Celophane Sequins Paint Glue - What to do Step 1: Trac...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Family, Fathers' Day, Featured, Holiday crafts, Mothers' Day, Personalize, Senses and Body Parts, Teaching Ideas, Valentines Day
A Mother’s Day “HUG” card
by Cheryl Villareal on May 6th, 2011
There's no better gift to give our moms than a hug and kiss, so why not make this moment last a little longer with a HUG card? Of course, this hug may not give the warmth that a real hug could give, still, it's a great gift to give! - What you will need Cardboard paper Bond paper Paint Yarn Tape Print out of child's picture Crayons or other coloring materials - Step 1: Decorate the card by pasting or drawing. We decided ...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Featured, Science Experiments, Senses and Body Parts, Teaching Ideas, Teeth
Tooth Brushing a Hard Boiled Egg
by Cheryl Villareal on Feb 25th, 2011
This month, it's all about hygiene for my little toddlers. For days I've been trying to come up with an activity related to brushing our teeth! I found several coloring pages or arts and crafts wherein the child would make a paper toothbrush, but I wasn't satisfied. I wanted the kids to really do something that practices their brushing and makes them more aware of why they need to brush. - Just when I was about to give up, I came across somethi...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Cooking in Class, Senses and Body Parts, Teaching Ideas
Taste Test with Popcorn
by Cheryl Villareal on Nov 29th, 2010
I'm sure most of you have played the test test game with your students or kids, if not, I'm sure you've at least done it yourself. We let our kids try out different food that taste sweet, sour, salty and bitter. I especially love their reactions when they eat something sour! Thing is, not every child would want to taste something they are either not familiar with, or already know the taste of. So if I lay out some candy, lemon, coffee and potato ...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Cooking in Class, Featured, Senses and Body Parts, Teaching Ideas
Toques for the Little Chefs
by Cheryl Villareal on Nov 22nd, 2010
Preschool just wouldn't be complete if we didn't get to cook a meal or two right? Kids need not cook difficult dishes to enjoy the experience. Just let them fry some hot dogs or any of their favorite food, and I guarantee they'll have a smile on their face when they're done. In fact, the simpler the meal, the better. It makes them feel that they actually could already cook! Before taking out those pots and pans, we always enjoy dressing up fir...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Featured, Senses and Body Parts, Skill development, Teaching Ideas, Teaching Tales
First Snip: Learning to Cut
by Cheryl Villareal on Nov 19th, 2010
Cutting is an essential skill that each of us needs to learn during our early years. It may be scary at first, but it's easy to get the hang of it. - Children love playing with things they are not supposed to play with. They love touching things they are not supposed to touch. So when we tell them NOT to play with scissors, obviously, we just triggered their curiosity. They do not yet realize that scissors can hurt if not used properly, hen...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Edible crafts, Featured, Messy art, Sand and Sea, Senses and Body Parts, Teaching Ideas
Sweet Paint with Powdered Juice
by Cheryl Villareal on Nov 8th, 2010
Children, regardless of the age, love painting! Their paintings vary from shapes, to everyday objects, or even just abstract art! As long as there's a paintbrush in hand, you can only expect a masterpiece to follow! However, as much as we want them to have all the fun possible, paint can be difficult to wash of at times and also not good to eat! Toddlers would put ANYTHING in their mouths and this is one of those things we never want them to tast...Read More » Tags
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