Archive for the ‘Seasons ’ Category
Filed under: Cooking in Class, Edible crafts, Featured, Sand and Sea, Seasons, Summer, Teaching Ideas
Octopus and Squid Hotdogs for Snack Time
by Cheryl Villareal on May 20th, 2011
Yum! Octopuses? Squids? Now I wonder what that would taste like! No worries, it's not a real octopus or squid, but it sure is a lot of fun to make! Not only will the little chefs have fun preparing it, but I'm sure they'd have fun eating it as well! I myself enjoyed it like a little girl! - What you will need Hotdog (preferably balls or cocktail size) Spaghetti noodles (uncooked) Soup pan Stove - - Step 1: Cut the hotdogs...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Animals and Insects, Featured, Sand and Sea, Seasons, Summer, Teaching Ideas
Watercolor Jellyfish Painting
by Cheryl Villareal on May 15th, 2011
Our theme for the week was sand and sea! I saw several wonderful ideas that I wanted to try, and this was one of it! When I first saw this through, I wondered if the little ones would be able to do it. It looked fairly easy, but then again... maybe not. Still, I decided to give it a go. Regardless of how it turns out, the important thing is that they tried and they had fun! What made this activity great is the unique way of ...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Colors and Shapes, Easter, Featured, Holiday crafts, Science Experiments, Seasons, Spring, Teaching Ideas
Egg-shaped Chalks for Easter
by Cheryl Villareal on Apr 21st, 2011
As a kid, I always had so much fun drawing on pavement. I don't know why but it's probably because of the unique texture of the pavement and the excitement of writing and drawing on something else other than paper. I also liked the chalk itself because of the same reason --> drawing and coloring using something else other than pencils and crayons. - While browsing for some unique activities for the Easter season, I came across this egg-s...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Colors and Shapes, Cooking in Class, Easter, Edible crafts, Featured, Holiday crafts, Seasons, Spring, Teaching Ideas
Painting Eggs with Food Coloring for Easter
by Cheryl Villareal on Apr 17th, 2011
Easter is coming up in just a few days! I remember looking forward to this day because of the Easter Egg hunts! This week in class however, we let the kids try making their own egg salads (in line with our theme on food) and decorating their own eggs using food coloring! The activity turned out REALLY REALLY messy, but REALLY REALLY fun! Did I mention I ABSOLUTELY LOVE messy arts?? I feel these kinds of art activities are the ones that really giv...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Colors and Shapes, Featured, Flowers and Plants, Holiday crafts, Seasons, Spring, Summer, Teaching Ideas, Valentines Day
Flowery Suncatchers for Spring
by Cheryl Villareal on Apr 10th, 2011
Spring is here! Hooray! Although we do not have spring in the Philippines, the idea is still there. I always imagine scenes in cartoons where the snow slowly melts and the flowers blossom. Oh and Bambi and his friends all fall in love. (heehee) During our unit on nature, we decide to make some lovely flower suncatcher! It was such a fun activity to make and the kids reaction as to how the paper was sticking was priceless! - What you will...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Featured, Flowers and Plants, Holiday crafts, Mothers' Day, Nose can smell, Seasons, Senses and Body Parts, Spring, Teaching Ideas, Valentines Day
Paper Flowers Smell Good too!
by Cheryl Villareal on Nov 7th, 2010
It's always nice to stop and smell the flowers every now and then, but wouldn't it be great if we could decorate our own and make them smell the way we wanted them to as well? Well now you can! . What you need: Flower Patterns Scissors Crayons Cotton Popsicle Sticks Glue Perfume/Cologne . Step 1: For younger kids, you can hand them a pattern to color. While for older kids, you can let them draw it themselves and cut it...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Animals and Insects, Arts and Crafts, Featured, Seasons, Senses and Body Parts, Spring, Teaching Ideas
Handprint Butterflies
by Cheryl Villareal on Sep 30th, 2010
I have two hands... the left and the right! Perfect for the wings of a beautiful butterfly! There must be 20 or more crafts for kids on butterflies! I wanted to do them all but I think the kids would walk out on me if I made them do all. So, my partner and I settled with handprint butterflies! It's really simple to make and easy to prepare. . What you will need Construction paper with solid color Patterned Paper (gift wrapper) Po...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Featured, Messy art, Science Experiments, Seasons, Summer, Teaching Ideas
Puffy Ice Cream
by Cheryl Villareal on Sep 23rd, 2010
This has grown to be one of my FAVORITE art activities to date! Thank you TeachPreschool for sharing the idea! I always have so much fun watching the kids get down and messy! The way they do their art work also gives teachers a chance to see how the kids really are. We noticed how our naturally messy children did not have a problem getting as messy as possible, while our naturally clean kids were a little conscious as to how to touch the cream! T...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Colors and Shapes, Featured, Holiday crafts, Seasons, Senses and Body Parts, Spring, St. Patrick's Day, Teaching Ideas
Recycled Rainbow Art
by Cheryl Villareal on Sep 10th, 2010
I'm pretty sure any child who went through preschool has tried making a rainbow in one way or another. And I'm pretty sure every preschool teacher has also tried making a rainbow in one way or another! So this time, to try something new, we decided to make a rainbow as a group instead of individually! . We assigned each child to bring a specific color to make the rainbow whole. Since we were on the topic of squares, we also asked them to bring ...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Colors and Shapes, Featured, Flowers and Plants, Holiday crafts, Mothers' Day, Seasons, Spring, Teaching Ideas, Valentines Day
Flower crafts!
by Cheryl Villareal on Aug 30th, 2010
I've seen several different ways to make flowers... but we wanted to make something 3D! So after several experiments trying to come up with something easy for little hands to make... we came up with this! Not only do the kids get to make flowers... but they get to review shapes while doing it! We're actually on the topic of squares this week, and had just finished our discussion on circles. Hence, we used the square and circle shape. Of course...Read More » Tags
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