Archive for the ‘Valentines Day ’ Category
Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Family, Featured, Holiday crafts, Mothers' Day, Teaching Ideas, Valentines Day
Holiday Gifts: Thumbprint Heart Rings
by Cheryl Villareal on May 7th, 2011
I previously shared our activity on Thumbprinted Heart Pendants and Flower Pendants, this time, I want to share with you how we made a ring using the same procedure! Out of all the jewelry we made using plaster of paris, this has got to be my favorite!...well at least for now! :) - What you will need 1 cup Plaster of Paris 1/2 cup water Plastic spoon Old adjustable ring Paint Glue Gun Circle shaped cookie cutter (or any roun...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Family, Featured, Flowers and Plants, Holiday crafts, Mothers' Day, Teaching Ideas, Valentines Day
Flower Pendants for Mom
by Cheryl Villareal on May 7th, 2011
They say jewelry is a woman's best friend. To a mom, jewelry is great but not necessary. However, handmade and personalized jewelry from the kids... now that's a lifetime treasure! Just moments ago, I shared a post on making THUMBPRINT HEART PENDANTS/NECKLACES. This is a perfect gift for mother's day or for any other occasion if you ask me! So, since we had so much fun making these, I decided to experiment a little. After our tutoria...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Featured, Holiday crafts, Mothers' Day, Teaching Ideas, Valentines Day
Thumbprint Heart Pendants
by Cheryl Villareal on May 7th, 2011
Plaster of Paris has become my best friend! I just keep discovering things I can do with it! So since Mothers' Day is coming up, we decided to make some necklaces for mom! I'm sure there are a lot more easy ways to do this, but this was what we had, and I'm proud to say that it really worked out fine! Not only is this a unique activity for the kids, but it's something worth keeping forever! This makes me wish I had my own kid so he/she would make...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Family, Fathers' Day, Featured, Holiday crafts, Mothers' Day, Personalize, Senses and Body Parts, Teaching Ideas, Valentines Day
A Mother’s Day “HUG” card
by Cheryl Villareal on May 6th, 2011
There's no better gift to give our moms than a hug and kiss, so why not make this moment last a little longer with a HUG card? Of course, this hug may not give the warmth that a real hug could give, still, it's a great gift to give! - What you will need Cardboard paper Bond paper Paint Yarn Tape Print out of child's picture Crayons or other coloring materials - Step 1: Decorate the card by pasting or drawing. We decided ...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Colors and Shapes, Featured, Flowers and Plants, Holiday crafts, Seasons, Spring, Summer, Teaching Ideas, Valentines Day
Flowery Suncatchers for Spring
by Cheryl Villareal on Apr 10th, 2011
Spring is here! Hooray! Although we do not have spring in the Philippines, the idea is still there. I always imagine scenes in cartoons where the snow slowly melts and the flowers blossom. Oh and Bambi and his friends all fall in love. (heehee) During our unit on nature, we decide to make some lovely flower suncatcher! It was such a fun activity to make and the kids reaction as to how the paper was sticking was priceless! - What you will...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Featured, Holiday crafts, Shared Blogs, Teaching Ideas, Valentines Day
Cool Valentines Day Activities for Kids
by Cheryl Villareal on Feb 13th, 2011
I wanted to share my own idea for Valentines day, however, the kids won't be doing it until the day itself. While thinking of ideas though, I came across so many wonderful ideas that I decided to share them with my readers! - Remember, Valentines day is not only for those with a man or woman in his life, but for everyone who loves and is being loved... either by a special someone, a family member or a friend! Happy Valentines Day everyone! ...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Featured, Flowers and Plants, Holiday crafts, Mothers' Day, Nose can smell, Seasons, Senses and Body Parts, Spring, Teaching Ideas, Valentines Day
Paper Flowers Smell Good too!
by Cheryl Villareal on Nov 7th, 2010
It's always nice to stop and smell the flowers every now and then, but wouldn't it be great if we could decorate our own and make them smell the way we wanted them to as well? Well now you can! . What you need: Flower Patterns Scissors Crayons Cotton Popsicle Sticks Glue Perfume/Cologne . Step 1: For younger kids, you can hand them a pattern to color. While for older kids, you can let them draw it themselves and cut it...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Christmas, Colors and Shapes, Fathers' Day, Featured, Holiday crafts, Mothers' Day, Personalize, Sand and Sea, Senses and Body Parts, Teaching Ideas, Valentines Day
Handprint Paperweight
by Cheryl Villareal on Sep 20th, 2010
What can your hands do? My hands can clap! My hands can roll! My hands can shake! My hands can tap! This was basically how we started our topic on hands! There were even kids who started saying that their hands can WALK. This led us to start trying a variety of nonsense things. We tried walking with our hands; we tried feeding our hands; we tried looking with our hands and more! The kids had so much fun acting silly, trying to let their hands do ...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Colors and Shapes, Featured, Flowers and Plants, Holiday crafts, Mothers' Day, Seasons, Spring, Teaching Ideas, Valentines Day
Flower crafts!
by Cheryl Villareal on Aug 30th, 2010
I've seen several different ways to make flowers... but we wanted to make something 3D! So after several experiments trying to come up with something easy for little hands to make... we came up with this! Not only do the kids get to make flowers... but they get to review shapes while doing it! We're actually on the topic of squares this week, and had just finished our discussion on circles. Hence, we used the square and circle shape. Of course...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Colors and Shapes, Edible crafts, Fathers' Day, Featured, Holiday crafts, Mothers' Day, Patterns, Skill development, Teaching Ideas, Valentines Day
Fruit Loop Bracelets
by Cheryl Villareal on Jul 31st, 2010
Children.. and even adults love eating fruit loops! So why not use this to further strengthen the lesson? This specific activity is actually a lacing activity that helps develop fine motor skills. It would also be easier for older kids to do since young children’s fine motor skills are not yet fully developed. Still, the end product works for all ages. The teachers simply need to assist the young children more in doing this activity. Since w...Read More » Tags
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