Archive for the ‘Easter ’ Category
Filed under: Colors and Shapes, Cooking in Class, Easter, Edible crafts, Featured, Holiday crafts, Mothers' Day, St. Patrick's Day, Teaching Ideas
Rainbows in my Tummy! Yummy Rainbow Pancakes!
by Cheryl Villareal on Mar 14th, 2012
When cooking, one of the things chefs/cooks need to give importance to is the ay the food will be presented. I am always amazed at how they're able to design and create food in the most unique and mouth-watering ways! Well, I'm no chef... but I AM a preschool teacher! We preschool teachers might not be able to prepare food in a classy and sophisticated way, but we can get as artistic as we can!... and in my case a little messy! haha ...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Colors and Shapes, Easter, Featured, Holiday crafts, Science Experiments, Seasons, Spring, Teaching Ideas
Egg-shaped Chalks for Easter
by Cheryl Villareal on Apr 21st, 2011
As a kid, I always had so much fun drawing on pavement. I don't know why but it's probably because of the unique texture of the pavement and the excitement of writing and drawing on something else other than paper. I also liked the chalk itself because of the same reason --> drawing and coloring using something else other than pencils and crayons. - While browsing for some unique activities for the Easter season, I came across this egg-s...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Colors and Shapes, Cooking in Class, Easter, Edible crafts, Featured, Holiday crafts, Seasons, Spring, Teaching Ideas
Painting Eggs with Food Coloring for Easter
by Cheryl Villareal on Apr 17th, 2011
Easter is coming up in just a few days! I remember looking forward to this day because of the Easter Egg hunts! This week in class however, we let the kids try making their own egg salads (in line with our theme on food) and decorating their own eggs using food coloring! The activity turned out REALLY REALLY messy, but REALLY REALLY fun! Did I mention I ABSOLUTELY LOVE messy arts?? I feel these kinds of art activities are the ones that really giv...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Colors and Shapes, Easter, Featured, Holiday crafts, Teaching Ideas
Eggshell Art
by Cheryl Villareal on Feb 22nd, 2011
It's always fun to play with eggs! It's one of the first things we learn to cook, we can paint it especially during Easter, we can turn them into Humpty Dumpty and more! Besides the egg itself, we could also make use of the egg carton to make a variety of arts and crafts! In this case, we made use of just the eggshells! We were learning about the color white, and eggshells came to mind. - We didn't want to cook eggs just to take the eggshel...Read More » Tags
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