Archive for the ‘Classroom Designs ’ Category
Filed under: Classroom Designs, Featured, Teaching Ideas, Teaching Tales, Tips for Parents
Safe Magnetic Boards for the Preschool Classroom
by Cheryl Villareal on Feb 2nd, 2013
We preschool teachers have a lot on our plate and it can sometimes be difficult to keep track of things. We need to give out home works, prepare lesson plans, give out memos, prepare for events, etc. A cork board in the classroom is really becoming a necessity! I however, refuse to use one in fear that one of my students would play with it and hurt themselves with the thumbtacks or pushpins. Well, guess what? I found the perfect solution! My bro...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Christmas, Classroom Designs, Featured, Holiday crafts, Teaching Ideas
Classroom Fireplace Decor for Christmas
by Cheryl Villareal on Dec 24th, 2012
We didn't have a Christmas tree nor any big Christmas lanterns, so where could we put the gifts on Christmas Day? Hmm.... why not build a fireplace! What you will need: White Cartolina or Bond Paper Brown, red and black paint Paint Brush Scissors Red, orange and yellow paper Black cartolina What you will do: Step 1: To get that "wood" effect, we painted on white cartolina using the colors Re...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Classroom Designs, First Day of School, Teaching Ideas
Back to School: Classroom Design
by Cheryl Villareal on Aug 6th, 2012
Another school year just begun here in the Philippines, but it’s just about to begin in other parts of the world! It’s tough getting started with all the classroom decorations, bulletin board and the like. So here are some of the stuff we did in our preschool classrooms! Preschool Classroom Door Decoration It’s important to make kids feel welcome on the first day of school, putting their pictures on the door makes th...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Christmas, Classroom Designs, Featured, Holiday crafts, Recycled art, Teaching Ideas
Puzzled Christmas Wreath
by Cheryl Villareal on Dec 18th, 2011
It’s always fun to come up with a variety of objects to glue unto our Christmas wreaths! Last year, we tried gluing mittens and bottle caps, this year, we tried using old puzzle pieces to make colorful wreaths! So I’m sure most of you have tried letting your kids put together a puzzle or two and after completing it, the puzzle pieces start getting lost one by one. So now you’re left with a box filled with incomplete puzzle pieces, what d...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Classroom Designs, Featured, First Day of School, Teaching Ideas
Classroom Door Decor
by Cheryl Villareal on Aug 21st, 2011
School in my side of the world has already started since June, particularly in the Philippines. However, for the rest of the world, school's just about to begin! That being said, I thought I'd share with you our door decor! One is for my class and the other is for the nursery level. - So here's my room, the Pre-Nursery Room This is our door. We prepared it before school started. I drew and painted the kids and the boat. The fishes on t...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Classroom Designs, Featured, Messy art, Teaching Ideas
Big Art with Water Pistols and Spray Bottles
by Cheryl Villareal on Jun 18th, 2011
I always love using things found around the house when doing art activities. The kids always look surprise when I hand it to them and tell them to play with it. It's as if they're thinking, "Mommy's gonna get mad!".... "Are you sure?" - For this activity, I decided to make use of sponges, water pistols, spray bottles, roller brushes and scrubs! Whatever I saw lying around... I used! And the kids had so much fun using them too! - What ...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Classroom Designs, Colors and Shapes, Featured, Teaching Ideas
Plastic Cup Decor
by Cheryl Villareal on Jan 27th, 2011
Tissue cores, styro balls, empty boxes, egg cartons and plastic cup are just a few of the the many best friends of a preschool teacher. There are just so many things we can do with them! The art activities and fun games are limitless! - During the beginning of classes, our school nurse who also happened to be a high school friend of mine began asking me for some plastic cups and colored tissue paper/crepe paper. I gave her a few without ask...Read More » Tags
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