Archive for the ‘Blogapalooza ’ Category
Filed under: Beauty and Wellness, Blogapalooza, Lifestyle and Events
Lay Bare Waxing Salon: When You See Hair, It’s Time to Lay Bare!
by Cheryl Villareal on Sep 21st, 2011
"Kutkutero!"...I'm not even sure if there is such a word, but that's what my fiance often calls me. The way I understand it, the word refers to someone who keeps noticing the smallest details and meddles with it. In short, if I see a small pimple on my face... I pop it. If I see a lone strand of hair (either mine or someone else's), I pull it. I'm the type of person who has been accustomed to plucking and eventually shaving... but NEVER waxing. ...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Blogapalooza, Lifestyle and Events
Avira Anti-virus: More Than Security
by Cheryl Villareal on Sep 21st, 2011
During the presentations at Blogapalooza: - Guy comes out with his red umbrella, he then proceeds to say, "When you see an umbrella, what does it remind you of?" Bloggers then answer "Rain"... eventually though someone answers "protection". - - In this day and age, computers (preferably with internet connection) are slowly becoming a basic necessity. It is used to write our school papers, make business proposals, do research an...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Blogapalooza, Featured, Lifestyle and Events
Blogapalooza One: Pre-show and Early Birds
by Cheryl Villareal on Sep 20th, 2011
ONE HUNDRED FIFTY bloggers.... FIFTY businesses.... all come together in ONE BIG EVENT. is PROUD to bring you the FIRST EVER BLOGAPALOOZA! - September 17 was the big date. The date several bloggers, including myself, were all looking forward to. It was our chance to not only meet fellow bloggers, but to meet BIG and SMALL business owners. Several bloggers even cancelled their supposed out-of-town getaways just to attend thi...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Blogapalooza, Business and Services, Fashion and Apparels, Featured, Lifestyle and Events, Random thoughts
A Short PREVIEW of the FIRST Blogapalooza at Fully Booked
by Cheryl Villareal on Sep 19th, 2011
The blogging world is quickly taking over! No longer do business need to pay high prices for ads on paper or on billboards because BLOGGERS are doing all the work. If Starbucks became big through word of mouth, then businesses existing today will have great chances of succeeding through word of the blog! - Last September 17, my brother Vince Golangco of had his FIRST ever BLOGAPALOOZA - an event for both businesses and ...Read More » Tags
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