Archive for the ‘Diet plans ’ Category
Filed under: Diet plans, Health and Fitness, workout and exercise, Workout Plans
Contours Advance Face and Body Sculpting: Giving You an Extra Boost to Weight Loss
by Cheryl Villareal on Jun 26th, 2016
Weight loss, whether for fitness or vanity, is not always an easy thing to do. While I'm very much for the proper way of doing things - through diet and exercise, I can't deny that there are a lot of people who also need a little help. Thankfully there are places like Contours that do just that. Contours offer a variety of services for either facial or body care. Last month I got to try Laserfit. What is Laserfit? "Laserfit is a holist...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Diet plans, Health and Fitness
Cohen’s Lifestyle Center: Weight-Loss and Wellness Through Proper Nutrition
by Cheryl Villareal on Mar 15th, 2014
Whether we admit it or not, we all want to look our best all the time. Looking good does not exactly mean being skinny, but it DOES mean being healthy. In many people’s desperate quest to have a sexier body, they’ve resorted to pills and medications that don’t really work and are surely unhealthy. Others have deprived themselves from eating to get thinner, though it probably works, it doesn’t necessarily mean your body is healthy. In t...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Diet plans, Featured, Health and Fitness
Century Tuna Superbods Super Challenge with John Lloyd Cruz, Anne Curtis Smith and the Boys Night Out
by Cheryl Villareal on Mar 8th, 2014
A few days ago, I shared a few things about this year’s Century Tuna Superbods Challenge. In case you missed it, do check out /century-tuna-superbods-free-videos-and-meal-plans-for-a-fitter-and-sexier-body/ The Century Tuna Superbods is back, but as mentioned in my previous post, this year isn’t just about the models, ‘coz this year it’s all about you! The people over at century tuna felt that it was ...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Diet plans, Featured, Gyms and Fitness Clubs, Health and Fitness, Running News and Highlights, Sports Books and Magazines, Workout Plans
Century Tuna Superbods: FREE Videos and Meal Plans for a Fitter and Sexier Body
by Cheryl Villareal on Feb 25th, 2014
Summer is coming and everyone is once again cramming to get that perfect toned and fit body to show off at the beach. However, I’m sure you’ll all agree that getting that dream body, let alone losing weight isn’t really all that easy. (Right?) And that’s why you’d all be thrilled to find out what Century Tuna has planned for this year’s Superbods Challenge! For the past years, the Century Tuna Superbods had grown to be one of the...Read More » Tags
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