Archive for the ‘Featured ’ Category
Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Featured, Fine motor skills, Hands can feel, Messy art, Science Experiments, Senses and Body Parts, Teaching Ideas
Experimenting with Puffy Ice Cream
by Cheryl Villareal on Sep 4th, 2011
So last year, I saw this amazing art activity from Deborah of, and had to try it right away! We did almost the exact thing that Deborah showed in her tutorial and it turned out to be a huge success. Not only did the kids love how it felt, but they also enjoyed the unique experience in making these shaving cream ice creams! Some of them even tried to eat it! Lucky we caught them in time! - This year, I have a new batch of ...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Charity Works, Featured, Fun Runs and Marathons, Health and Fitness, Run for a Cause
St. Peter Life Run 2011
by Cheryl Villareal on Aug 30th, 2011
Another run for a cause is coming up this October guys, and this time, it's the St. Peter Life Run! I had the privilege of joining last year and did not regret it 1 bit! In fact, it was one of the best fun runs I joined that year! It was a FUN RUN for a GOOD CAUSE! You can read more about my experience here: /st-peter-life-run-perfectly-defines-a-fun-run/ This casket was part of last year's photo...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Christmas, Featured, Hands can feel, Holiday crafts, Magic Art, Messy art, Science Experiments, Seasons, Senses and Body Parts, Summer, Teaching Ideas, Winter
Ice Painting with the Kids
by Cheryl Villareal on Aug 28th, 2011
When doing art with kids, one thing we need to remember is that the LESS structured it is, the MORE their creativity shines! As Teacher Tom once said, "It is not our job to be creative, it's the kid's" This line stuck with me and I always remember this when doing an art activity with the kids. - Last year, I came across this ICE PAINTING activity while browsing some blogs. There were several blogs with this activity and I felt really curi...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Contests and Announcements, Featured, Health and Fitness, Lifestyle and Events, Running Aids
Pump up your game at The Adidas King of the Road with POWERADE! Free race kits anyone?
by Cheryl Villareal on Aug 27th, 2011
This October, one of the MOST AWAITED races this year is finally happening! What: Adidas King of the Road 2011 When: October 23, 2011 Where: Fort Bonifacio Global City ace Categories: 5K / 16.8K / 21K - I know several people who want to join but haven't registered because of the high fee. Well, who knows, today might just be your lucky day! My new running buddy, POWERADE is sponsoring the Adidas KOTR and will be giving away 2...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Charity Works, Featured, Foundations and Organizations, Fun Runs and Marathons, Health and Fitness, Run for a Cause
Miles for Smiles: Run for Cleft Care 2011
by Cheryl Villareal on Aug 24th, 2011
Life is beautiful. Amidst all the stress or problems that come by, I can still smile and say that life is beautiful. For most of us, it takes the least amount of effort to turn our frowns upside down and show off our beautiful smiles. But for others, it takes a team of doctors and a lot of caring people to help give them the smile they deserve. Before I decided to read more about it, I thought that having a cleft lip was just a physi...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Charity Works, Featured, Foundations and Organizations, Health and Fitness, Outreach Projects, Run for a Cause
Run and Help – For the Cancer Warriors Foundation
by Cheryl Villareal on Aug 22nd, 2011
Cancer... what exactly is it? We hear the term several times, we know it is a deadly and life-threatening sickness and we might even know a person or two with the sickness, but do we really understand it? - What causes cancer? "Cancer is ultimately the result of cells that uncontrollably grow and do not die. Normal cells in the body follow an orderly path of growth, division, and death. Programmed cell death is called apoptosis, and when...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Classroom Designs, Featured, First Day of School, Teaching Ideas
Classroom Door Decor
by Cheryl Villareal on Aug 21st, 2011
School in my side of the world has already started since June, particularly in the Philippines. However, for the rest of the world, school's just about to begin! That being said, I thought I'd share with you our door decor! One is for my class and the other is for the nursery level. - So here's my room, the Pre-Nursery Room This is our door. We prepared it before school started. I drew and painted the kids and the boat. The fishes on t...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Colors and Shapes, Featured, Fine motor skills, Games and Activities, Magic Art, Skill development, Teaching Ideas
Magical Circles with Crayon Rubbings
by Cheryl Villareal on Aug 15th, 2011
Kids love magic, and the fun thing about teaching toddlers is that you DON'T need to know the difficult tricks 'coz it's easy to get things pass them. Now with art, there are also TONS of magic tricks you can do with the kids. A lot of which they can do by themselves! - One favorite is the CRAYON RESIST activity. We did this a year ago and the kids were totally amazed! We drew a boy/girl using a white crayon without the kids knowledge an...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Arts and Crafts, Colors and Shapes, Featured, Fine motor skills, Fruits and Vegetables, Seasons, Skill development, Spring, Teaching Ideas
Lacing Red Apples
by Cheryl Villareal on Aug 12th, 2011
Lacing is a very difficult task to do, especially for the little ones. No matter how many times you explain it to them, they still have difficulty understanding the concept. But that's okay, because at their age, it's their EAGERNESS TO LEARN that'll get them far! At first, the kids feel frustrated with lacing activities. Because they can't understand it, they refuse to continue doing it. But eventually, they get the small idea that all you ne...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Charity Works, Featured, Foundations and Organizations, Health and Fitness, Run for a Cause
ANCOP Global Walk: Changing the World ONE Child at a Time!
by Cheryl Villareal on Aug 7th, 2011
Before anything else, what exactly is ANCOP? The acronym actually stands for "Answering the Cry of the Poor". Just that itself already caught my attention. The number of homeless people and poverty stricken areas in our country is not going down, in fact, the number just keeps rising every year. Be the change you want to see. We have NO RIGHT to keep complaining over our country's situation if we aren't doing our part in helping out. - To f...Read More » Tags
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