Archive for the ‘Volunteer Works ’ Category
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The 2013 Journal That Will Actually Change Yours and Someone Else’s Lives
by Cheryl Villareal on Dec 24th, 2012
2012 is nearing the end and a lot of us are getting ready to welcome the new year with new furniture, new clothes, fireworks and more. One thing that’s become a necessity for busy folks like myself before the new year rolls in is a planner! With all the events, meetings and random places I need to go, I’d just be LOST without my planner. I’m sure all of you are already on the lookout for cool planners all over the mall and even...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Books, Business and Services, Charity Works, Featured, Foundations and Organizations, Inspirational Stories, Lifestyle and Events, Magazines and Articles, Outreach Projects, Teaching Ideas, Volunteer Works
Floating Book Fair and more with Logos Hope
by Cheryl Villareal on Mar 13th, 2012
When I first heard of a floating book fair 2 years ago, I was already ecstatic! Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to go visit Logos Hope because I was too busy doing my thesis back then. So imagine my joy and excitement when I found out they were back! I visited LOGOS HOPE twice.. once on Friday (March 9) with my co-teachers and again on Saturday with my brother and friends. I had lots of fun browsing though all the books wh...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Charity Works, Featured, Fun Runs and Marathons, Health and Fitness, Inspirational Stories, Outreach Projects, Run for a Cause, Running Gear and Apparels, Volunteer Works
Todo Responde Run: Race to 1.5M for Sendong Victims and Baby Raphael
by Cheryl Villareal on Jan 7th, 2012
Just recently, I participated as a volunteer marshal in Greentennial’s Rescue Run. I had so much fun not only because it was a new experience but also because I knew I was doing my part to help. I joined a RUN FOR A CAUSE and did more than just run. This coming weekend, another run for a cause is needing our help and participation! This time, it’s for TWO BENEFICIARIES! What: Todo Responde Run When: January 14, ...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Charity Works, Featured, Fun Runs and Marathons, Health and Fitness, Outreach Projects, Results and Experiences, Run for a Cause, Volunteer Works
My First Marshal Experience at Greentennial’s Rescue Run!
by Cheryl Villareal on Dec 31st, 2011
Just 2 weeks ago, Cagayan de Oro and Iligan was hit with a huge typhoon that destroyed several homes and took away thousands of lives. Typhoon Sendong was one of the strongest to ever hit the two places, and they sure weren’t ready for it. In the spirit of bayanihan, everyone else tried to help out by sending donations in cash and kind. Others even experienced going to Mindanao and seeing the damage first hand. For the running comm...Read More » Tags
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Filed under: Charity Works, Featured, Fun Runs and Marathons, Health and Fitness, Inspirational Stories, Outreach Projects, Run for a Cause, Volunteer Works
Rescue Run: Community Run for Typhoon Sendong Victims
by Cheryl Villareal on Dec 24th, 2011
An entire town was nearly wiped out after a strong typhoon hit them just days ago. While I was comfortably hanging around with friends and “Facebooking”, THOUSANDS of people were fighting for their lives. I was shocked to come home and read all about it in the news… worse to even see videos of the people who lost their families, loved ones and home during the tragedy. Typhoon Sendong left at least 3,000 dead and thousands others homeless in...Read More » Tags
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