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Boysen KNOxOUT Helps Knock Out Air Pollution!

by on Dec 10th, 2012

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Living healthy in a very air polluted environment is not really good for you at all, take for instance running or cycling along EDSA. It would actually do you more harm than good. What is worst is that it won’t really help if you are a bit further away from those busy highways because air pollution from these roads spreads to a 4KM radius. Cars are almost a daily necessity in a megapolis like Metro Manila so it would be hard to completely remove them from the streets, so what could we do about it then?


Purify air with paint



Boysen recently introduced their KNOxOUT pain which is said to be able to actually purify NOx (Mono Nitrogen Oxide). Using this technology a project was spearheaded to use this paint to help purify EDSA, the busiest highway in all of the Metro. They painted pillars and the façade of bridges with artistic graphics on different locations along EDSA, each 1 square meter of those walls would account for 1 tree so think of those paintings as a mini forest in the middle of EDSA.


But it shouldn’t stop there



Painting a small portion of EDSA is a good start towards an air pollution free Metro Manila. But it shouldn’t stop there because that small portion could only do so much. Think how much better it would be if all buildings across EDSA would support this cause, what more if all the houses in Metro Manila would paint the façade of their houses with KNOxOUT.


If you are keen about the cause you could visit One Wall One World to find out more about the air cleaning paint and the work the done with EDSA.


Knockout pollution with Boysen’s KNOxOUT paint!


Cheryl Villareal is a preschool teacher and the owner/ editor-in-chief of On weekdays, she could be found teaching her little tots while Sundays are her workout days. She easily enjoys simple things and loves experiencing new things! Her blog is simply a way for her to share these experiences with people. Besides her blog, she also contributes and writes various articles on Follow her on Twitter

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