We all want to be fit and healthy and the only way to do it is depends on how we manage our lifestyle. To become a woman of will, we need to be driven, strong, and fearless to accomplish any circumstances that come our way.
Women of Will – in this month long women’s celebration, Under Armour engages five inspiring and prominent women namely Gretchen Ho, Pia Cayetano, Elle Adda, Meggie Ochoa and Doray Elis. Under Armour’s own women of will.
Under Armour’s Women of Will:
Women of Will: Yoga at Urban Ashram Yoga
A few weeks ago, Under Armour invited a few women to a try the healthier lifestyle by joining a yoga class at Urban Ashram Yoga in BGC. I along with several other women stretched it out in a 1 and a half hour class. Being a runner, yoga isn’t particularly my thing. I always feel stressed when having to stay still for long periods of time. Though others may find that easier, I actually find it more challenging.
that’s me in the teal singlet in front
more yoga poses from the back
If you want to try out some of their classes, then check them out this month of November!
Are YOU a Woman of Will? Do share some of the things you do to keep your body fit and healthy!